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Creative Writing Essay: Youth Criminal Justice System

Essay Instructions:

i am working on question #2 part A and B which should be aprox 3 pages. ive highlited the key points of this assignment along with a slides that can assist in answering the questions. part A need to be formated as an advise letter. Canadian restore programs

if this can be done for Tuesday for editing purpose that would be amazing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Youth Criminal Justice System
Students Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Instructors Name
Youth Criminal Justice System
Question 2. A
From: (Insert your name and address)
Date 16th December, 2020
To: Casey
Dear Casey,
SUBJECT: Advice Letter
I hope this finds you well. I have read your claims, and I believe you have a valid point to make. Given that it is your first time to get into crime, a lot will be considered on how your case will be handled. Your mother has been through a lot, and your concerns about hurting her are what should push you into refraining from such behavior in the future. Your mum’s situation is delicate and more stress could bring detrimental effects on her life. Your neighbor was also wrong to call you a “dirty Indian,” and it right for you to feel that they should not get away with such a case. People get charged with extreme criminal activities such as murder or robbery with violence. Therefore, it is true that your case is not a very big deal. However, it could be the beginning of behavior that could land you in more problems and, therefore, needs to be addressed appropriately.
Regarding your thoughts concerning a bail hearing, you should know that kids are either held in detention or go home with their parents. You are 15 years and, therefore, considered a kid in a court of law. Therefore, your parents will not be required to pay any money since the family court is focused on restorative justice. You will, therefore, go home with your mother or be held in detention until a decision has been made by the judge. If a child is charged with Juvenile delinquency, the court does not offer a bail hearing.
Restorative justice is an approach where a crime is solved by bringing both parties together and other representatives. The parties discuss how the offender can make up for the crime created. In this case, you might discuss how the window will be repaired. Restorative justice also helps in preventing the offender from committing similar or other crimes in the future.
Given your experience of an abusive family environment, you should focus on doing restorative justice because it will help you refrain from such behavior in the future. Your family history could have a huge contribution to your attempting to steal. Therefore, if restorative measures are n...
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