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Low Marital Satisfaction

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will identify six relationship and communication issues that are correlated with low marital satisfaction. Discuss each communication issue in depth and identify at least 2 strategies for addressing each issue. Use credible research sources to support the identification of the issues as well as the strategies for addressing each issue. Please complete this assignment in a word document. The length requirement for this assignment is 500-750 words.

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Low Marital Satisfaction
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Low Marital Satisfaction
Relationship issues
Marital satisfaction thrives where there is trust between couples (Sayehmiri et al., 2020). Infidelity with regard to marriage is a broad term that can either refer to sexual or emotional attachment to a person other than one's partner. Cyber-infidelity occurs in most modern relationships where a person gets too attached to pornographic and online content that may affect the relationship. Infidelity diminishes the level of trust between partners, and one may feel betrayed, thus resulting in low marital satisfaction.
Successful relationships are the ones in which partners find time for each other, even in circumstances that may afford little or no spare time, like at a workplace. In any chance, one partner feels unappreciated, or the other party is not consecrated enough for the marital relationship, the marriage faces the risk of instability, eventually becoming a case of low marital satisfaction.
One of the objectives of getting married is to enjoy the gift of sex that is believed to be sacred and ordained to be enjoyed by married couples (Sorokowski et al., 2017). Inability to satisfy one's partner sexually, which may arise due to several factors, including biological and medical complications or emotional detachment, lowers marital satisfaction.
Financial Pressure
Partners with varying attitudes towards money are more likely to have problems and arguments on how to spend shared resources. Embezzlement of family funds and consistent borrowing might bread mistrust among partners, further derailing the quality of the relationship.
Communication Issues
Speaking to a spouse with a raised voice or reacting violently to them amounts to an altercation, which communication breakdown in a relationship (Knopp et al., 2017). Arguing is a verbal conflict strategy in which the accused person seeks to deviate from taking responsibility by demeaning the accuser (Knopp et al., 2017). In case the accuser, in this case, in a marital relationship, bows to the pressure of the verbal conflict, undue dominance is sustained in the relationship, resulting in low marital satisfact...
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