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Patient Report. Primary Problem of Patient. Inguinal Region Anatomy

Essay Instructions:

Read the passage and then answer the 9 following questions. Each question must be answered with at least 75 words


Chief Complaint: a 31-year-old male was injured while rock-climbing.

History of Present Illness: A 31-year-old male was rock-climbing with two friends at a National Park. The National Park was 14 miles away from the nearest hospital. While rock climbing, he suddenly lost his footing and slid 18 feet to the ground. Both friends witnessed the fall and stated that he slid against sharp rock all of the way down; landing in an almost standing-up position, finally slumping to the ground. They also said that his head was not jarred during the slide. The man was alert and oriented when his friends reached him. He could move all four extremities quite easily. He had multiple scrapes over his anterior torso and a large gash over his right inguinal region which was bleeding profusely. A makeshift tourniquet slowed the bleeding. The patient was transported to the hospital.

Physical Examination: The patient was lethargic. He had multiple abrasions over his chin, neck, anterior thorax, and abdomen. A six-inch-long, half-inch deep laceration was noted in the right inguinal region. The tourniquet placed in this area was soaked with blood.


1. What is the patient’s primary problem? Summarize the evidence that supports your conclusion.

2. Body regions and directional terms: The laceration is in the inguinal region of the body.

a. Where is the inguinal region? List organs located in this region of the body that might also sustain damage.

3. Cardiovascular:

a. Predict the difference in the damage to the patient if a vein is lacerated as compared to an artery.

4. Blood/Cells:

a. How would blood cells help stop the bleeding in this patient with this type of injury?

b. If blood is needed for transfusion, explain why it is important and what it means to find a match donor.

5. Endocrine:

a. Identify one hormone that would be elevated in the patient in response to trauma and loss of fluid. What endocrine gland is responsible for its production?

6. Nervous system:

a. Which part of the autonomic nervous system would be acting during a trauma, and how is this helpful to the patient?

7. Urinary:

a. Lack of blood flow to the kidneys can decrease their function. Predict how the lack of blood flow to the kidneys would affect the patient in this situation.

8. Digestive/nutrition/chemistry:

a. During recovery, it is recommended that the patient consume added protein in their diet. Explain why adding protein to one’s diet can improve the healing process.

9. Discuss how the weekly essays and career connect assessments helped you prepare for this final culminating assessment. Describe what types of adjustments you had to make for continual improvement throughout this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Trauma (Case Study)
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Trauma (Case Study)
1. Primary Problem of Patient
The primary issue that the patient is facing is the injury over his inguinal region which is six-inch long and half-inch deep. Due to which the patient is bleeding profusely through inguinal site where groin muscles are present (Tuma & Varacallo, 2019). The patient also has several abrasions over his neck, chin, thorax, and anterior abdomen. Besides that, the patient becomes lethargic after bleeding which makes the situation worse. However, the nervous system was intact.
2a. Inguinal Region Anatomy
The inguinal region of the body is also known as the groin. It is present on the lower part of the front (anterior) side of the abdominal wall with thigh present on the inferior side and pubic tubercle on the medial side (Tuma & Varacallo, 2019). The exact location of it is between the stomach and the thigh. Damage in the inguinal region could lead towards hernia. The organs that could sustain damage through inguinal region injury include five muscles that surround the groin, the femoral artery and the anterior superior iliac spine.
3a. Difference in Arterial and Venous Damage
The damage in the artery is worse than damage in vein. This is because of the fact that arteries are related to the pressure of the body. Therefore, their bleeding is more dangerous in comparison to the bleeding of the vein. Arteries constantly have to supply oxygen to the body and if they are damaged, then the circulation system of the body would be disturbed (Christy Matta, 2018). Arterial bleeding is fatal because it is carrying the blood under the pressure of the heart activity.
4a. Platelets
Platelets are basically the types of cell that would help in the preservation of any injury that is bleeding through adhesion mechanisms (Christy Matta, 2018). Platelets gather around the site of trauma to form a platelet plug on sub-endothelial matrix. This in combination with the coagulation system, seals the site which restricts the bleeding.
4b. Blood Transfusion
If too much blood is the loss, then the blood transfusion is necessary. A matching donor in blood transfusion is of great importance otherwise the body will not accept the transfusion.
5a. Nor-epinephrine (Stress Hormone)
Nor-epinephrine is the hormone released during th...
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