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I love cooking. Hobby and Career. Creative Writing Essay

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I Love Cooking
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I Love Cooking
Cooking is one of the activities practiced by many people as a hobby and as a career. Personally, cooking became a hobby when I was young because my parents used to watch cookery television shows. Living in an environment where everyone is busy working in their respective field, cooking became a routine activity because at the end of the day, people require food to survive. Many people go to school with an objective of learning as many cooking techniques as possible. Majority of people who go to school to learn highly get chances to work with restaurants and prominent chefs who help them to advance in cooking as a career.
My love for cooking developed at an early stage. It was my responsibility to set up a perfect working space by gathering required tool and utensils in my parent’s kitchen. As a beginner, I had the ability to gather basic skills which later helped me to accompany my parents in cooking. I helped them to create egg wash, peel tomatoes with ease, measuring cooking ingredient and removing tough stems on leafy greens among others. Technology advancement has made cooking easier because a lot of machines in this field require a simple command to effectively perform what the cook would have done. Contrary, not everyone love food made by machines considering health risks associated with them.
There are various reasons as to why I love cooking this much. Firstly, cooking creates a bonding experience between the learner and the tutor. In this case, my parents and I were involved in making most of dinner meals. Working as a team to make the meal come toget...
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