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New York City Cuisine Exploration

Essay Instructions:

NYC Cuisine Exploration (20%).

For this assignment you will choose a small geographic area in New York City. It can be a block, an intersection, or a couple of blocks. The area has to be small enough for you to provide a concise analysis, and big enough to cover at least 2 food businesses that can be all of the same type (for example, restaurant, supermarket, food carts) or from different types. For this assignment you will describe the location that you have chosen and the cuisine that characterizes that area –feel free to use pictures, drawings, videos, etc– the geographical area and its cuisine. Make sure to cite at least one academic reference and refer to one course topic (see the weekly themes/topics in the course schedule) in your analysis.

In the written report (max 3 pages double spaced) you will develop an argument in which you explain, describe, characterize, and compare the cuisine in question, as represented by the food businesses that you chose. Your site selection will play an important role in a successful argument. For example, if you choose the area on the following map you can chose three food establishments there: Think Coffee, Starbucks, and the Halal Food Truck. A tentative argument can be: cuisine on the go: fueling students. I argue that the cuisine in the chose area has evolved around speed and convenience. The establishments in this area are geared towards students who are on the go. During a 30-minute observation I witnessed the influx of students who were eager to get their food and go as opposed to sitting down and enjoying a meal. The design of the utensils that are used evidences the necessity of a speedy delivery of food as they are designed for take-out, with its sustainability consequences. The geography of my choice is characterized by being close to NYU’s campus. This is a unique site since it is too close to the main university buildings to be a place where people go to enjoy a cuisine, hence why convenience trumps flavor. I argue this since there are other areas near NYU’s campus in which students go to enjoy a particular cuisine, etc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
New York City Cuisine Exploration Name Institution New York is one of the best cities in the United States, it has what we can term as a fast life where everyone and everything is always in a hurry or fast-paced. Thus, time is of the essence of this town. There is an impression that New York life is expensive and true to this, yes live in New York can be expensive. Some estimate that one has to earn at least five times more the annual average wage of other towns in the United States to live a better life. Among the things that people look at when comparing the city's cost include rent, entertainment cost, transportation, and food among others. Normally when an areas price for rent, entertainment, utilities, and shopping are, high the cost of food is usually high and resident have to spend extra on groceries and so is eating out. Having this knowledge about food prices and the time is of the essences for a New Yorker business individuals started to bring food closer to people at a cheaper price by eliminating extra cost such as eating space. These people brought the food truck culture to New York and today most streets in New York have such food vendors. This paper is going to look at this aspect in respect to food trucks that are around one of the most iconic buildings in New York that is the Empire State building. The Empire State building is one of the tallest buildings in the world, located in Midtown South of Fifth Avenue it houses around 1000 business with tenants such as Croatia National Board, Air China, Global Brands, LinkedIn, People's daily among others. The above...
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