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The Buddha In The Attic: Summative Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

The Buddha in the Attic summative writing assignment:

Return to the “we” writing you did on the first day of reading The Buddha in the Attic. Expand this piece into a longer work, telling the story of a group which you belong to. Remember that our focus this year is to delve deeply into culture and identity, and our focus for the novel were the themes of ignorance and fear; therefore, you may decide you need to change your “group” from your original pre-reading reflection.

Your reflection should mirror the narrative style of Buddha in the Attic, and should use dialogue and italics in a similar way. Make sure to include the thoughts and words of specific people in italics, along with descriptions of their actions: consider what is actually said, versus what is only thought. How do stereotypes emerge in interactions between your group and outsiders? How are these stereotypes both explicit and implicit? How are these stereotypes present both a positive and a negative impression of your group? How do these various stereotypes make you feel about your own group?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name Professor Course 06 April 2019 Reflection Am Chinese student taking my undergraduate studies at a university in New York. Am in third year now and adapting to the American classroom practices has been a difficult challenge that am still facing today. I can trace the source of my difficulty to my Chinese roots. First of all, the learning method, our teachers and the Chinese curriculum, in general, focused on vocabulary memorization, grammar, reading, and writing but gave little attention to speaking and listening. Due to the lack of chances to speak in and out of class, I learned deaf and dumb English. Also, I did not bother to practice speaking as by then I did not have any ideas or thoughts of ever traveling abroad. Why travel abroad while China is big enough. During my first year on campus, I was afraid of participating in class out of two main reasons: I did not know how to engage and my fear that my heavy ascent or poor English will make others laugh at me. Some of my courses require group work and every member of the group has to participate in the discussions or presentations. Back in China, the main classroom activity was spoon-feeding. We did not participate in class discussions, we just sat there and listened to what the teacher had to say, all we had to do is to absorb what we were taught. It is like watching a movie in a theatre where your opinion does not matter. Having different ideas and even speaking them out was heavily discouraged, and the students voiced their views would be attacked by others who considered it as showing off. We were supposed to keep the ideas to ourselves as it was not polite to interrupt lessons because teachers were the authorities of knowledge. I remember one day the professor asked us to form groups of eight and discuss a topic. The discussion started well with the other classmates enthusiastic to give their ideas and opinions. What is there to be ...
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