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The Schizophrenic Nature of Western Metaphysics

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Analytic Assignment: The Schizophrenic Nature of Western Metaphysics
Analytic Assignment: The Schizophrenic Nature of Western Metaphysics
The Western perception of various aspects of life and the world in general breeds confusion across various social, political, cultural, and economic matters in American society. The worldview presented by modern American society contradicts the values and principles of the Native Americans who remain staunch believers of their traditional ideologies. The traditional ideologies serve as the backbone for the integration of the indigenous people into the larger or broader American community. Daniel Wildcat argues that a harmonious a coexistence across the social-cultural diversity existing in the community rests in the Native Americans’ ability to embrace their roots and live by their traditional beliefs amidst the dominant force of Westernization. Failure to uphold the principles of reality based on the collective or individual experience of life by the American indigenous population risks driving the community into the confusing duality of the Western perception and understanding of life and the world as a whole. The Native communities form a part of the larger American society, but the process of integration should be undertaken with caution not to overlook or brush away the influence of the former’s cultural beliefs, values, and principles in its perception of various aspects of life. The Western understanding of religious matters or religion, for instance, is characteristic of uncertainties arising from the perceived evolution and superiority of human knowledge. The need for the Western civilizations to find logical meanings to even the spiritual aspect of life raises insurmountable controversies with different individuals or groups of people raising and supporting equally diverse claims towards the correctness of their point of views on such sensitive matters. Safeguarding the Native Americans’ socio-cultural construct calls for the community’s integration into the larger American society from the point of knowledge and understanding of their cultural traditions and heritage.
Embracing the cultural traditions and heritage of the Native American societies as the basis for integration and interaction with the larger American society raises the question of authenticity for their beliefs and values. Proponents of the Western belief system and its perception of both abstract and matters of reality remain adamant in their dependency on human ability to provide both logical arguments or authentication for that which they believe. Most of the contentious issue arising from the differences between the two sch...
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