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She Drinks the Blood of Her Victims: A Cult Activity

Essay Instructions:


SCENES ( Actual lived moments in the lives of these characters. )

CHARACTERIZATION (Develop characters that come alive on the page/story)


Bones of a story starts:




How to use the Setting:

1) Use Motion and movement ( let characters encounter the setting interactively )

2) Reveal through the character (what your character know will reveal what they see)

3) Reveal through the mood of character ( just like what your character knows, the setting is framed by what they feel)

4) Reveal through the senses ( not just sight and sound)

5) Details ( decide on what is important to include to create a mood or advanced character and plot

Essay Sample Content Preview:

She Drinks the Blood of Her Victims
Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
She Drinks the Blood of Her Victims
Part 1: The “Boyfriend”
The first meeting, in a hotel
She met him via a dating website, and they exchanged contacts. Being young and beautiful has become a critical asset in luring potential victims. Her beauty hides the real person she has become. Looking at her one would see an innocent girl who is ready to fall in love. But no. Lorna is a serial killer. She is hunting for her second victim. This time around, she wants to risk killing a man. Lorna is not sure how it will go. She is afraid that the man might overpower her and she becomes the victim. Hence, she has to be tactical. Otherwise, her plans will not be fulfilled.
On examining his profile on social media platforms, Lorna learns that Patrick works with an audit firm in the city. She is relieved that at least Patrick is not a high profile individual. She has learned that killing a high profile individual may elicit more scrutiny from the media and the police; hence she chooses to target low profile individuals. As a serial killer, she must conceal her actions until she murders a sizable number of people.
Finally, Patrick insists that they meet for their first date. Patrick appears to be financially stable even at 25 years. He chooses an expensive hotel in Miami. Patrick finds Lorna pretty and impressive. He falls in love with her. Similarly, Lorna likes Patrick. He is intelligent and nice towards her. Their first date is enjoyable, and they spend the rest of the evening together.
“I have to go. My mother will kill me if I reach home past 9:00 pm.” She informs Patrick while looking worried.
“All right. I look forward to meeting you over the weekend. I want to spend more time with you.” Patrick responds while escorting her out of the hotel.
“Why don’t you come over to my house?” Patrick suggests while giving her a card containing directions to his apartment. “I will be in my house from 6:00 pm on Saturday. You can come for a sleepover.”
“I will tell you,” Lorna tells Patrick while blushing.
When Lorna arrives home, she goes to sleep. She does not even bother to talk to her mother. She feels sorry that she is planning to kill such a humble human being. “This is not right. Patrick is a good man, and I am falling in love with him.” She cannot hold her tears. But does it matter? She has to accomplish her assignment. Lorna makes up her mind to kill Patrick during the next meeting.
The second meeting, Patrick’s house
It is on Saturday at 6:15 pm. Lorna rings the doorbell and waits patiently for Patrick to open.
“Welcome. I was waiting for you,” Patrick says as he opens the door.
“Thank you. Here I am” Lorna responds.
The two embrace and later Patrick leads her into the house.
“Make yourself comfortable. What can I offer you?” Patrick enquires.
“A mango juice can do.”
“Just a minute.”
Patrick returns with two glasses of mango juice. Meanwhile, Lorna keeps on looking around the house.
“You have such a nice house,” Lorna says while looking at the large television in front.
“Thank you. It is just a modest house.”
The two enjoy the drink. Patrick has already bought food from the fast food store. They take the food while talking and laughing.
2100 hours
It is time to sleep. Lorna decides to take a shower. Patrick shows her the bathroom as he remains in the kitchen cleaning the utensils. After she is done, Patrick decides to take a shower. Meanwhile, while Patrick is in the shower, Lorna tiptoes to the kitchen and gets a knife and hides it beneath her clothes. She lies down on the bed as she waits for Patrick to come back.
2133 hours
Patrick comes to the bedroom wrapped in a towel. “Let me massage you.” Lorna requests Patrick.
“How kind of you,” Patrick says as he lies on his stomach.
Lorna begins to message him. Patrick closes his eyes and gets lost in the pleasure. Once Lorna is sure she has total control over him, she takes the knife and suddenly stabs him on the neck. In order to kill the victim completely, Lorna keeps on stabbing him. Patrick lies on the bed helpless. Blood is flowing all over his neck and the back. Lorna continues stabbing him to ensure that he dies completely. Having completed the first ritual, Lorna commences the second one. She begins to drink his blood until she is satisfied. After that, Lorna gets into the bathroom and cleans up the blood stains on her clothes. She takes other clothes from her bag and wears them. She is now ready to go away. “No one will ever suspect that I am the cause of the death,” She encourages herself as she exits the house. Lorna calls her girlfriend Lisa and requests accommodation for the night. On her way to Lisa’s place, Lorna disposes the clothes containing blood stains. At least, she has done enough cover-up.
The Retreat
Lorna reaches Lisa’s house at 23:11 hours. She is exhausted and wants to rest. Besides, she cannot imagine she has killed Patrick, such a gentleman but it does not matter now. The Cult demands so, and she has to obey. She has known Lisa for three years now, and they have become the best of friends.
“I had a date till late.” Lorna lied to Lisa in an attempt to explain her coming too late. “I thought going home will be more challenging; that is why I have chosen to come to your place...” Lorna lied further.
“It is okay. You know you can always count on me.” Lisa interrupted while trying to make her friend more relaxed.
Lorna spent the night at Lisa’s home and woke up early in the morning to prepare to go home. Being raised by a church mother, there was no way she could miss church on Sundays.
“You see Lisa; I have to leave so that I can prepare for church. I am sure my mother is waiting for me.” Lorna told Lisa while appearing to be in a hurry to leave.
“I wish you could have stayed,” Insisted Lisa
“I will find the time and come and say hi.”
“You should… Or you can come on Friday. I am planning a retreat with some of my girlfriends.”
“I can find the time. I would be happy to join you.”
“I will give you more details. But you can come on Friday so that we wake up on Saturday morning and join the rest of our friends. Furthermore, I am the one tasked to cook for the group.”
“I love your passion in cooking. I will come early to assist you.”
Lisa kissed her friend goodbye. An idea came to Lorna. She can utilize the retreat to continue with her mission as a serial killer. “But I need to be careful; I need to come up with a masterplan. Otherwise, I won’t succeed.” She thought to herself.
Friday, 1800 hours
Lorna arrives at Lisa’s place as they had planned. The two girls spend the rest of the evening chatting and catching up. They sleep early because they need to wake up early in the morning to prepare the food for the retreat. Lorna learns that seven other girls will be joining the group. “That is a good number to kill. If my plan does not backfire, then I am going to do a good job.” Lorna tells herself.
Saturday, 0500 hours
Lisa and Lorna are up and begin preparing the snacks for the retreat. Lorna is happy, not because of the retreat, but because she is about to accomplish her plan. She feels sorry for her friend Lisa, who is likely to die in the process. But she cannot inform her. While she appears jovial on the outside, she is troubled that she may not see Lisa again. “I am sorry Lisa if this works I have no option except to sacrifice you.” Lorna imagines. As Lisa prepares the snacks, Lorna packs them. Unknown to Lisa, Lorna is poisoning the snacks while packing them.
Saturday, 0800 hours
The seven girlfriends arrive at Lisa house. They are ready to leave for their destination. Lorna has to find a way to leave the group. She pretends to have received an emergency call from home.
“Hey Lisa, I have just been informed that my mother has collapsed at home and has been taken to the hospital.” Lorna lies.
“So sorry. What is it?” asks Lisa
“I do not know. I have not received more details. I guess I have to leave right now and attend to her.”
“It is okay. Everything will be okay.”
Lorna hurriedly picks her bag and leaves the house. The rest of the girls go for the retreat. They promise to keep in contact with Lorna to know the state of her mother.
Saturday, 1230 hours
Lisa and the seven girls decide to take the snacks. They have been exhausted by the activities in the forest. Taking a few bites will assist them in refreshing and gaining energy to continue with the activities before them. Unknown to them, they are taking poisoned snacks. None of them survives. The eight of them die in the forest.
Saturday, 1345 hours
Lorna sits quietly in her bedroom. She is aware that by now her poison has worked. In case they have died, she regrets the fact that she cannot drink their blood as required by the Cult. But at least she is almost attaining the set number. Although she is not sure about the state of the eight girls, nine individuals could have died so far. She has only one more individual to kill, then at least she will have met the set target.
The Mother
1800 hours
Lorna is exited. She knows today will be a defining moment in her life. Sh...
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