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Diana Muchen Interview. Creative Writing Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

interview one person and answer questions


Dear person being interviewed,
> You are being interviewed as part of an assignment in a Religion course at Holy Trinity High School. The person | interviewing you should give you this sheet in advance. The interview can be centered around these questions or I it can take its own course. The purpose behind the interview is two-fold: first, to get to know you better; second, to learn from your life story. Thanks for being part of this project!> ^Y. When and where were you born?
XX Who were your parents? Describe them and their backgrounds.
) ^f How many siblings did you have? Describe them. Where did you fit? Who were you closest to?
How large was your extended family? Who were you closest to? Why? How important was (is) ethnicity in your family?
\5^/oid you have a childhood hero?
\y. Where did you go to elementary school? Did you have any teachers who stood out and that you still remember in a positive or negative way?^ What did you like to do as a kid?
) Where did you go to high school? What did you like to do in school? What were your best and worst
| subjects? Who were your best friends? Have you stayed in touch with anyone of them?
! ,______________________
I you go to school after college? If so, for what?
>^ What do you like to do for fun?Describe yourself in three words (or phrases)\
fc Wnat do you think was your most important accomplishment in life thus far?
' 17. What words of wisdom would you like to pass on to the person doing this interview?\p. What was happening in the world while you were in high school?
^9/Were there any key events during your teen years that helped to shape who you are?What do (did) you do for a living? What is (was) a typical day at work?pfb. What was your favorite age? Why


You are to interview an "elder", preferably a grandparent, or great aunt or
) uncle, or senior citizen close friend of the family.
) Give a copy of the questions to the person that you are interviewing before-
) hand if you want.
\ When you interview them, do not treat it as a simple question-answer. Talk
) with them. Do follow up questions.
) You can record the interview or take notes.
I You must then write a paper about this person. It can be done in one of two
| ways:
t L l| can be written in direct response to the questions. Write out the ) question and write out their answer.
* 2. You can simply write an extended essay on the person, incorporating
what you have learned (all aspects!).
* Finally, whichever method you use, write a concluding paragraph based on
* these questions:
* 1. What did you learn that was new or most interesting?
I I 2. How did you feel about the experience?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Diana Muchen Interview
Interview with my neighbour and a family friend, who is a senior citizen.
Diana Muchen is 77 years old having been born on August 1st 1942. According to Muchen she was born and raised in Brooklyn by parents Moses and Susan Muchen. She describes her parents as strict Christians who were Catholic followers. According to her even though her parents did everything in their power to keep them happy and safe they were so strict that she could not speak at the dinning time if not spoken to by either. Both of them were born and raised in Brooklyn and did not desire to move from the neighbourhood. She describes her parent's life as a true fairytale as they both did attend the same high school and the same Catholic Church and that is how they met and got married.
Muchen gives three as the number of siblings she had that one elder sister and two brothers after her. she describes her older sister as a second mother to her, especially when she could not reach out to her real mum afraid of her reaction. She reminds me that her mother was strict and hence when she wanted something she could go through her elder sister, for example, her sister took care of her when she got her first menstrual periods. She chose to be an example to her two little brothers by availing herself when they could not reach out to the strict parents. She, however, was close to her elder sister as the boys were always together.
Her extended family she described is not large and some she does not know off as the parents did not allow them to associate with them, she only confirms of two uncles from the mum side and a single mum aunty from the dad. She cannot confirm the closest member of the extended family, as she had no opportunity to interact with them. She says her elder sister has always been her childhood hero.
Muchen attended the Loisian elementary school in Brooklyn. She observes having liked Miss Annabell her elementary school teacher, as she was not only her neighbour but she used to give snacks on their way back from school...
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