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Goals power and styles in my conflict

Essay Instructions:
Assignment #2 GOALS, POWER AND STYLES IN MY CONFLICT The book needed is ISBN # 978-0-07-338513-6 Read Ch. 3,4,and 5. Review lecture notes. Make note of personal examples Major ideas presented in the text : Ch. 3 GOALS (FOUR TYPES OF GOALS); Ch. 4 POWER ( power imbalance, power currencies, high/low power, relational theory of power, etc.); CH. 5 STYLES ( 5 different conflict styles) are discussed and referenced. . Make sure you give personal experiences and examples and fully develop concepts presented You are to answer most of the questions posed in each section in a brief, consise manner. NO LATE PAPERS ACCEPTED! This analytical paper, 6 pages, (1550 words min.- 1700 word maximum) is designed to analyze the goals, power and styles in your interpersonal conflict. Make sure five textual concepts are clearly presented. Please cite where in the text you found particular concepts which you are discussing. Example (Wilmot & Hocker, 2011, P. 11). GOALS Ch. 3 Open this section with a brief definition of goals.Then, answer the following questions in essay fashion. What are your goals? What do you think the other person thinks your goals are? Do you interfere (current or past) with what you think the other persons goals are? If so, how? Does the other person interfere (current or past) with your goals? If so, how? Have you noticed your goals changing since the beginning of the conflict? Do you feel the other person's goals changed since the beginning of the conflict? Are there others who have become involved in your conflict? Do others feel they need to take sides in this dispute? How did they influence your decisions and behaviors? Has this conflict become destructive? Does it waver between constructive and destructive or does follow one type exclusively? POWER CH. 4 Open this section with a brief definition of power.Then, answer the following questions in essay fashion. How much power do you feel you have? How much power does the other person have? Do you think the other person has more power than you? Why or why not? How do you feel the other person views your power? How do you think your power affects the conflict? How do you think the other person's power affects the relationship? What qualities do you feel you have that the other values? What qualities do you value about the other person? Has this conflict considerably altered your daily life with the other? If so, how? Do you think that the other will agree with you regarding who has the power? What do you depend on from the other person? What does the other person depend on you for? Does the other person ever feel threatened by you? Do you think you threaten the other person? Who do you think has more power? Who does the other person think has more power? STYLES Ch. 5 Open this essay with a one sentence definition of conflict styles. Next, Complete App. 5.1 (pp. 146-148 of text) "Measuring Your Conflict Style", score your results and write a brief interpretation of your score in your analysis before answering the following five questions in essay fashion. 1. What individual conflict styles do you use in this conflict? a) Avoidance—minimize open discussion of the conflict b) Competition—o ne person wins, the other person loses c) Compromise—y ou and the other person give something up in order to reach an agreement d) Collaboration—working together to find solutions that benefit both parties e) Accommodation—avoid asserting one's own needs and preferring to cooperate 2. What is the other's style of conflict ? a) Avoidance—minimize open discussion of the conflict b) Competition—o ne person wins, the other person loses c) Compromise—y ou and the other person give something up in order to reach an agreement d) Collaboration—working together to find solutions that benefit both parties e) Accommodation—avoid asserting one's own needs and preferring to cooperate 3. Do you or the other person suggest solutions? If so, what are they? Are the solutions followed through with? How? Why or why not? 4. How will you handle the conflict if it is not resolved? 5. Is there anything that you would like to say or do but haven't? Why or why not?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Goals, power and conflict styles
Conflicts occur in human relations and in diverse situations, interpersonal conflicts may appear to be repulsive, but can be beneficial. Interpersonal conflicts can explain the goals and interests of the parties involved or lead to creation of new ideas. The communication behavior of the parties is the key determinant of conflicts (Hocker &Wilmot, 2010). For the conflict to be beneficial there is a need to resolve the conflict through numerous conflict management styles. Conflict also emanates from the power relations through interpersonal linkages which is a result of interdependency. In addition, the definition encompasses the presence of scarce resources and interference among the patients in trying to achieve their goals (Hocker &Wilmot, 2010).
Goal incompatibility is far from an objective issue but is more based on desires and subjective matters. Thus, there are different levels of goals in many conflict topic, instrumental, relational identity and process goals. The topic goal relates to what people want in the goal could be similar or different which typically define the beginning of the conflict. The relation goal is vital in the conflict resolution process whereby parties hold varying opinions on what each party ought to treat the other.
In order o to minimize the conflict it is essential that parties to a conflict share their expectations and opinions about the association. Additionally, there is a need to maintain status and set the boundaries on equality. The identity goal typically involves the presentation of an image; the identity remains an integral part of an individual to the extent that attacking this may lead to defensiveness. The parties may also have numerous identities. Process involves the manner of conflict resolution and the communication that is applicable to a certain situation.
The case scenario involves me and Peter a fellow employee, whom I reported to my supervisor that he was not properly checking the production line properly. I made it clear that his actions were jeopardizing my work. He on the other hand, claims he has no intention of sabotage, but went on tell the department head that I wanted to quit my job. My goals in the job are to ensure that there are quality checks and rise up to be a supervisor. Peter goals seem to focus on the new vacant supervisor position, as there was no conflict before the announcement of this position.
My goals seem not to have changed, and if anything I am concerned about getting the supervisor position than ever before. On the contrary, Peter’s goals seem to have changed as he had never expressed interest in the position. The conflict has dragged on as members from opposing departments with staff from the production and quality checks on different sides of the conflict. This conflict has led to misunderstandings between the two camps to the extent that any minor mistake is blamed on the opposing side. Furthermore, it may get out of hand as both departments are complimentary to each other. Nonetheless, since the management is now aware of the conflict a meeting will be convened to discuss the issue.
The role of power on conflicts cannot be ignored because it influences how problem are solved among the parties involved. Power is the ability to persuade or force others to do what they would otherwise not do (Jeong 2009, p. 80). Power could be viewed as distributive, designated or integrative. The relevance of power appears it’s every day use where individuals want to protect and put themselves in a better position. Power could be used both positively and negatively depending on the situation and who is using the power. Power could be viewed from numerous angles. Distributive power is that which seeks to exert influence over another party, and hence a power struggle ensues (Hocker &Wilmot, 2010) . There is a paradox because individuals ought to use the available resources for there maximum benefit, but relationships may be strained through power struggles.
Power can also be designated when the parties are in a group as power is placed in the group as a whole rather than an individual. This contrasts with distributive power where one person is more powerful than the other t entities. In this approach members of a group allow the interests of the group to supersede that of individuals in the interdependent association. Nonetheless, designated power lays emphasis more on a relationship rather than an individual or group.
Another aspect of power relates to the integrative mechanism which leads to collaboration between the parties to achieve their mutual goals. In essence, the approach seeks to minimize conflicts as opposed to the distributive model because there are fewer chances of power struggles. The parties must therefore set the boundaries of the relationship through mutual agreement. In addition, both parties are perceived to benefit from the process with none having an edge over the other as responsibilities are equa...
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