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Social Influence and Compliance Gaining Allyn & Bacon

Essay Instructions:
Find a concept or theory from this chapter that interests you. Then, locate a peer reviewed, academic journal article (at least 1) that applies that concept or theory to the real world. Write a 1 1/2 - 2 page paper that reviews that article--what were they studying, how did they study it, what did they find, etc? Be sure to tie the discussion into your book content as well. Additionally, do not forget to use APA formatting for the paper, for in text citations, and for a reference page. Please post your discussion of the selected research article no later than class time on the day your assigned chapter will be covered in class. The book can be used as one of the sources, and it is Persuasion and Influence and Compliance Gaining by: Robert H. Gass and John S. Seiter
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Chapter 13
Institution Affiliation
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Chapter 13
The chapter generally talks about the concept of motivational appeals that make someone to buy something when advertised. The concept is under the marketing where firms employ different ways in order to assist and motivate more consumers to procure their commodity. There are many ways that are applied in order to drive the buyer to buy the product. One of the theories that are discussed in this section is the fear appeal theory. The appeal dwells on the notion of that there certain risks that may be encountered if an individual fails to purchase certain good, engaging certain services or failure to adopt a specific idea may lead to dire consequences. The fear relays in the brain and therefore the person will definitely go for the product or the service to avoid the impact of the threat which might be negative. The paper concentrates on the fear appeal theory and its use and it actually summarizes the aspects of the theory (Gass & Seiter, 2010).
The academic paper reviewed journal was addressing the fear appeal theory authored by Williams. The study was meant to prove that fear can be a motive that can induce someone to buy a product. An appeal can be said to a motive and each and every advert concentrates on getting the motive towards its product or service. The theory as described in the article categorically relays the message that if threat is displayed to someone that person will result to buying a product to avoid the danger (Williams, 2012).
In marketing, fear appeals are used to invoke fear to a ...
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