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Media Compaign Project: The Benefits of Career Centre

Essay Instructions:
For this project, your group will identify an organization at UHD and develop a media campaign around it. You can select a college, student group, department, program, etc. and create a media campaign (using the principles discussed in class) that can promote it to internal and external constituents. Our topic is the Career Gudience Center I do not expect you to actually implement your campaign plan. BUT…I may very well share them with these organizations once they are turned in, so they should be realistic in scope. Conduct research to learn more about the organization and how it benefits the UHD community. Review its website. If you'd like, reach out to staff members and conduct interview via email or phone. Conduct more research to learn how you can best communicate this program to its constituents. What will work best??? What TV shows, radio programs or other communication methods will work best? Why???? What kind of story will you tell? Why???? How will you publicize and promote your program? Why???? Next, create a plan. Identify the tasks that need to be completed to start this program. In what order should these tasks be completed? Why? Be detailed. Set dates and deadlines for these tasks. What is your objective? Will this plan inform people, change attitudes or impact behavior? Perhaps, your objective might be a combination of these three objectives. Finally, how will you take action??? How will this plan be put into action? You've identified the tasks that need to be accomplished, but how will you execute them? Who in your group will be doing what??? (REMEMBER…this is hypothetical. You don't have to call TV stations, place ads, etc.) Compile all of the elements of your plan in a 11 page report. Include supplementary information calendars, artwork, ads you might create, etc. HINT: The more detail, the better! We've discussed a host of elements crucial to media campaigns: selecting media tools, publicizing and promoting campaigns, creating stories for your campaign, identifying media outlets that can showcase your program. Don't just give me a laundry list of what you're going to do. I want to see specific details as to WHY you're making specific decisions. I clearly want to see what kind of research you conducted and why; how you planned your media campaign; and what actions you took to make this campaign work. Also, I specifically want you see your objective. It should be measurable. Do you want to increase attendance at an event by 15 percent? Do you want to inform 60 percent of Houstonians about a new program? Would you like at least 600 people to change their attitudes about a specific topic??? This should be a collaborative effort. You might assign different aspects of the project to different members. One member could be assigned to pull everything together and edit it. the blog http://careerguidance-uhd(dot)blogspot(dot)com/
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The Benefits of Career Centre
Interviews and website reviews were the main data collection methods used in gathering information on the benefits of career centre in UHD community. The the centre`s website was selected as the main source of information because it contains up-dated information on the various activities carried out by the centre, while interviews were selected to gain more insight on people`s views on these activities, like how they have been benefiting from the program.
Based on the collected information, it was found that career centre at UHD is very important in assisting students and alumnae attain their objective of using their university education to pursue their career. As an effect, the career centre has been very instrumental in providing various services that can assist students attain this objective.
Some of the services offered include career decision making, where the centre is well equipped with counselors to assist any individual in the UHD community figure out the right career depending on the individual`s values, areas of interests, capabilities, as well as personalities. It is the responsibility of the counselor at the career centre to help students make the choice of academic major that will be instrumental in attaining student`s goals.
The career centre also helps the UHD community especially students and alumnae to learn more about different occupations (McKay 2012). Counselors at the centre ensure that all necessary resources required by the UHD community in gathering information as they maintain a library of career related information. it also has connections with former UHD students and professionals, whom together they discuss their careers with current students at UHD.
Resume writing has been problematic to many students at UHD as most of them do not understand the inclusions. However, career centre has been conducting workshops to critique individual resumes and cover letters, with the aim of educating students on resume writing. Career centre has also been sponsoring workshops to assist students learn more about ways of presenting themselves on a job interview (McKay 2012).
Media Campaign Objectives
Though career centre is very instrumental in getting students prosper in their academics, the number of students and alumnae getting help from the centre is still too low, as compared to the UHD community. As an effect, the media campaign program aims at increasing the number of students and alumnae visiting the centre by 60%, based on the current visits.
Based on this objective, our campaign stories will revolve around getting the right job, choosing the right career, and writing the best resumes.
Important Tasks and Timelines
The success of any campaign program largely depends on the level and number of tasks accomplished before starting the program, and its steps after the implementations. According to National Center for Media Engagement (2013), media campaigns are cost effective tools that can be used in reaching a wider population of target depending on the influence of media used. As an effect, before commencing the program, planning is a very crucial task that should be accomplished before launching the program, as it forms a pillar of positive results. Under planning, the following tasks are very important.
Setting Campaign Goal
This entails defining goals that will aid in achieving the overall objective of the campaign. The campaign objectives should not be complicated, as people may end up not taking part in the campaign if they are not in a position of understanding the vision and mission of the campaign. As an effect, this is the first step because it is from the campaign objective that decisions will be made concerning the audience, frequencies, media and sequence, which forms a very important part of the campaign. Moreover, according to Potter, Stapleton and Moynihan (2008), identification of campaign goals is very important in motivating the campaign process. They should be specific, measurable, realistic, and time-bound. There should be methods to provide qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate the campaign process. This task should take one week starting 20th April 2013 to 27th April 2013.
Obtaining the Campaign Permit
It is a requirement that any individual carrying out media campaign should notify the institution on the campaign objectives, campaign period, and participants one month prior to the start of campaign. This is very important in regulating the kind of information or messages that will be used during campaign, and organization of security measures during campaign time. This task should be accomplished second as it will give the way forward whether the campaign will be allowed to go on, or the university will disallow it. It is after this permission from the University management that other tasks will be undertaken. This should be undertaken immediately after or just before completing program objectives, meaning it should be between 25th April and 28th April 2013.
Determining Target Audience
Knowing the people whom the campaign is targeting is very crucial in media campaigns. Though it is clear that media has the ability of delivering our message to a very wide audience, it is of great importance to identify primary, secondary and tertiary audience of this message. Narrowing our focus on a particular target audience will also be of great help in selecting appropriate sources of media that can be used in generating the coverage. When determining the audience, Potter, Stapleton & Moynihan (2008), states that it is important to determine the people who will be affected by the program, common denominators amongst the people whom the program will affect, the strength and weaknesses of various members of targeted group, values shared between the target group, how the group will benefit, and also their current knowledge base. This task should be completed after the university has authorized the campaign to go on. This task also affects the type of media that will be selected as different audience belongs to different groups which prefer being reached through different media sources. Based on its significance, it should be completed on or before 30th April, but it should be start at the same time with objective definition, as different objectives affect different audiences.
Target Media Identification
Interviews and website reviews should be carried out to determine the best media that can be used during our media campaign. However, according to Paul (2013), the best media should be one that puts the message in a clear and unambiguous way to the audience, apart from being cost effective and time conscious. As an effect, before starting this program, there should be a direct line with the media to ensure that the career centre is playing an active role in the establishment of its position in the UHD community. In the process of determining the type of media to use, it is better to consider the quality of messages send by different sources of media, other than considering the quantity of message that will be send. This can best be illustrated by the fact that "A single, in-depth and thoroughly written article directed at the right group of people can often have more potential for effect on your target audience than multiple impressions with less substance" (Azdeq.gov 2010)
Based on five categories of media, namely: Print media, Television, Radio, Newswire services and online publications, it is very important to identify the needs of any media and the media professional (Cindy & Demand 2012). This is very important as it will ensure efficiency and effectiveness of our communication as well as our program liaison. As a result, some research should be undertaken to determine the diligence of our target media. This will play a very important role in increasing the probability of favorable response along with creating positive views of the story that we will be pitching. Based on the importance of this task, it is clear that it is time consuming and much involving, as an effect, it will take a maximum of two months, stating not later than 15th May 2013.
Assembling a List of Media
With the aim of ensuring unambiguous and clear communication of our mission and vision, and distribution of right information to the right audience, assembling a list of media sources is very important. As an effect, before starting the program, a comprehensive list of media with appropriate contacts at every media outlet at the UHD community should be developed. According to National Center for Media Engagement (2013), this will provide us with the opportunity of promoting our center in a better way, apart from allowing us to respond publicity opportunities in a faster and easy way. However, not all types of media are included in the list, but only those that are of significance to our centre, and whose appropriate contacts can be identified.<...
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