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Negotiation and Forgiveness

Essay Instructions:
The Book ISBN#978-0-07-338513-6 Read Ch. 8 and 10. Review lecture notes. Read through applications and write reflections in your Personal Journal. Make note of personal examples. Use these examples in #4 Assignment. This analytical paper, 6-7 page, (1650 words min.) is designed to consider the negotiation and forgiveness aspects of your interpersonal conflict. Submit all papers in Microsoft Word as an attachment in the course drop box. Make sure four textual concepts are discussed and referenced. You are to answer the questions posed in each section in a brief, concise manner. Key Textual Concepts for Chapter 8 include the following: Interpersonal Negotiation, Collaborative Negotiation, Principled Negotiation, Language of Collaboration. Key Textual Concepts for Chapter 10 include the following: Forgiveness vs. Reconciliation, Forgiveness as Process or Decision?, Person/Interpersonal Dimensions of Forgiveness, Ho'oponopono, Value/Limits of Apologies Negotiation Ch. 8 1 .Briefly define interpersonal negotiation. 2. Do you believe there is something you could do to resolve this? What is it? How would you go about it? 3. What would you perceive to be a win-win situation? 4. Practice The Language of Collaboration Collaboration is both a mind-set and a set of techniques. Select two of the following phrases and actually use them in the conflict you have chosen to analyze. In your paper addressing Negotiation, briefly explain which principled negotiation idea that the phrase addresses and proceed to discuss how you used each phrase in your conflict and how/why it helped you effectively negotiate or how/why you used it and it did not yield the desired result. Practice the Language * See page 265-266 for more phrases There is a problem you and I haven't had to face before. I'm sure we can work it out. What is it that you are most hoping for? Let's figure out where we agree, and that will give us a base to work from. I can't be satisfied with getting my way if you're disgruntled. I know this is difficult, but we can work it out.
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Negotiation and Forgiveness
University Introduction
According to Fisher & Sharp (2004), interpersonal conflicts are common in everyday life. The most important aspect is not why or how the conflicts occur but the mechanisms put across to settle the conflicts. Negotiation, forgiveness, and reconciliation have been explained as effective means of dispute resolution in interpersonal conflicts. The parties involved in an interpersonal conflict should set their differences aside and consider undertaking measures to negotiate, forgive one another, and reconcile in order to reinstate their initial relationships. A win-win situation in which all parties to a dispute benefits should be the ultimate goal of a dispute resolution process. Two phrases were selected and their efficiency in solving an interpersonal conflict has been assessed. These are “What is it that you are most hoping for?” and “I know this is difficult, but we can work it out.” They have been found to be effective in solving interpersonal disputes among people. This essay supports negotiation, forgiveness, and reconciliation as effective means of dispute resolution in interpersonal conflicts.
Question One
Interpersonal negotiation refers to the process in which the decisions made are acceptable to all the people concerned (Wilmot & Hocker, 2011). It can also be defined as an active phase in conflict management involving generation of different opinions. Negotiation has been generally accepted as a means of solving daily conflicts in a peaceful manner. The most important aspect in interpersonal negotiation that makes it an important element in conflict resolution is the fact that all the parties involved in a dispute are allowed to participate. Negotiation takes place as a common practice in everyday life. In the public domain, there are many conflicts between different people, groups, corporations, and organs of governance. Some of these conflicts are settled through negotiation to enhance a peaceful method of conflict resolution. In interpersonal negotiation, it is important for every person, or group to be given an equal opportunity of participation. This will ensure that all parties to a dispute are represented equally and that the conflict resolution process is peaceful and fair.
When people are in power, they fail to follow the procedures and processes of undertaking different activities and initiatives (Wilmot & Hocker, 2011). Instead, they chose short cuts in order to suit their own personal needs and interests. As such, conflicts arise from the people or parties that feel that things are not done in the right manner. This creates the need for interpersonal negotiation as a way of solving conflicts different parties. The aim of interpersonal negotiation is not usually to bring down the person on the wrong but to ensure that all parties are represented fairly in a dispute resolution process. This is because equity and fairness are important ingredients in effective dispute resolution. Effective interpersonal negotiation aims at driving the conflict towards an efficient resolution. The major driver is therefore the need to enhance equal representation of all the parties involved.
Question Two
To deal with interpersonal conflict, interpersonal negotiation becomes an important process. It will be important to use arguments that are reason giving (Wilmot & Hocker, 2011). This means that the other parties involved in the conflict will be clearly informed on the issues raised. There are many interpersonal conflicts in the modern world and hence effective use of interpersonal negotiation becomes important (Stuart, Robertson, & Robertson, 2003, p. 5). It will be important to ensure that the negotiation process is driven towards a solution that will solve the problem to the best interests of the parties involved. The other thing that will be done to resolve the problem is forgiveness and reconciliation. This will be done because there are incidences in which deception or betrayal is experienced in a conflict. This hurts and disappoints the relationship of the parties or groups involved in a conflict. Forgiveness and reconciliation are the aspects that rectify the situation to ensure that the original relationship between parties to a dispute is resolved. Interpersonal forgiveness will involve making of decisions to minimize the negative attitudes including anger and disappointments arising from an offender or a wrongful act. It will also involve the development of a better understanding of an offender or a wrongful act of the past.
I believe that forgiveness and reconciliation are key elements in solving the problem of interpersonal conflict. In addition, forgiveness and reconciliation will enable a person to accept other people in the society despite their activities, which is an important element in promoting peace and justice. It is important to note that forgiveness enables a person to have a better understanding of the exact issues that occurred and the consequences that followed. This facilitates consolidation of facts and hence reconciliation becomes a necessary factor in the dispute resolution process. For the problem...
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