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Fact-Checking Report The Encyclopedia Reader

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Fact-Checking Report
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Fact-Checking Report
The Encyclopedia Reader
The story of Mark Stevens is an intrigue one. The interview that incorporates Robin Woods, a former employee of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Encyclopedia and the now free Mark Stevens is a collaboration that confirms the states presented by the two (Thisiscriminal.com, 2016). The information provided in the interview does not seem fake or misleading in any way. In the interview, Mark Stevens claims to have self-taught himself in prison. His junior high school period was interrupted when he was transferred to the special-education program. He credits his illiteracy to the fact that he never got any education when he got the chance. While we cannot ascertain the information given, his chores at the special education program earned him As and Bs in his grade. His troubles with the law landed him in prison severally.
The credibility of the interview is ascertained by the copies of letters that Mark Stevens and Robin Woods used in their communication. The story presented by Mark Stevens makes sense with the evidence of his first letter to the then editor of Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Encyclopedia, Robin Woods. The letter indicates the commitment Mark Stevens had on learning. Subsequent ‘correction’ letters sent by Mark Stevens to Robin Woods confirms the credibility of the story that rose into a kind of relationship between people who had never met. The interview also records the instance the two men meet indicating a level of connection and friendship that had developed over time since 2004. The follow-up by Robin Woods towards contacting prison wardens where Mark Stevens was incarcerated and eventually led to his early release indicates that the story is factual and collaborative rather than exaggerated.
The story was recorded as an interview by the website of Criminal https://thisiscriminal.com. The criminal is recorded at the studios of National Public Radio, WUNC. The recording captures the interviewer and both interviewees separately and at one point, together at Mark Stevens’ house. The story is distributed as a radio podcast, contained on the website and also distributed in print form by The New Yorker’s website (Thisiscriminal.com, 2016; Gross, 2016). By checking in The New Yorker’s website, I can confirm the letters are authentic which confirms the information provided by both parties in the interview is factual. In both versions provided by the two websites, Thisiscriminal.com and , the story coincides, and there is no other version of this story.
Spotlight (film)
The spotlight is a 2015 biographical film written by Tom McCarthy and Josh Singer. The non-fictional movie is based on the investigative work done by investigative journalist unit of the newspaper, The Boston Globe (Allen, 2012). The film is based on accurate accounts of child molestation by Catholic priests and systematic cover-up by the Catholic Chur...
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