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Comedy is Important to People. Significance of Comedy to the Society

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Comedy is Important to People

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Comedy is Important to People
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Comedy is Important to People
Comedy can make the world a better place. Several academics are considering proving that comedy can be socially beneficial. Charlie Chaplin once said “I have many problems in my life. However, my lips do not know that. They always smile.” W. C. Fields said “Comedy is a serious business. A serious business with only one purpose – to make people laugh.” The statements above help to communicate certain things. One of them is that it is possible to laugh even when going through tough times. The other one is that laughing or laughter should not be taken lightly.
These men understood that humanity needs to laugh and that comedy is important to people. Comedy is important to humanity because it induces laughter something that has been proven to be therapeutic and elusive at times. It is also possible to have shelter, food, and the most expensive clothes in the world but without laughter, one can end up sad and lonely. So, comedy is more than just a way to pass the time: it gives life and is life itself and humanity needs it. I also believe that without comedy, people would not be able to cope or manage their emotional luggage, and this cements the idea that comedy is indeed important.
Comedy has a beginning. However, humor has been in existent since the beginning of humanity. Comedy, on the other hand, is professional entertainment and this has been growing as people have realized that they can make a career out of telling jokes. Comedy history may vary from region to region. A random analysis of comedy in Greece, Athenian, Rome, and Egypt will portray a picture of this variance about comedy genesis.
Comedy in Greece according to Maedas (2016), comedy came from ancient rituals. He writes that these rituals, for example, the Phallic procession were “performed for the Greek God of vegetation, Dionysus.” He continues to say that in these days, comedy contained a “mix of farce, fantasy, satire, and parody.” All that came within this period was referred to as ‘old comedy,’ and when new comedy came, some changes took place. With a new comedy, romance took center stage while satire took a step back. The origin of comedy is one of mystery because Aristotle also had his version of how comedy started. To him, comedy was well-defined in Sicyon and Megaris. Unlike Plato, Aristotle believed comedy was a great addition to the world.
Comedy in Athenia: Another group that is also known to have loved comedy are the Athenians. Every group had its version of comedy. Comedy played a big role in society. It is observed that the public votes in the Athenian democracy were influenced by comics who performed political satire at the theaters. Their theatrical genre was that of dramatic performance with two groups amusing each other. They used comedy to criticize bad behavior in the society without necessary condemning them. Comedy in Rome: When the Romans assumed power over Greece, they had their version of comedy as well. Maedas (2016) notes that Roman dramatists “adapted it so that it fits the Roman culture.” However, these were not the only groups that had comedy as Maedas writes. Comedy in Egypt: The Egyptians also had their version of comedy, and theirs was royal and religious. Well, what the above shows is that comedy has been a part of humanity for a long time.
The significance of Comedy to the Society
Comedy is important to people because it helps people forget the problems or the hurdles ahead of them. As Charlie Chaplin said, his lips are often unaware of the problems he is facing. So, they keep smiling. People forget their problems when they smile: When people smile and laugh together, in the moment of laughter and smiles, they forget their problems. The brain is concerned with the effect and how to react and handle stress. It is observed that laughing and response to stress due to comedy have a relationship. Barrell (2016) notes that when people laugh, the brain releases endorphins, which is a hormone that is “linked with reducing stress, boosting immune response, and strengthening social relationships.” Stress levels reduce when people laugh; so, when people laugh, their stress levels reduce and in the moment of laughter, they forget their problems. Comedy is thus quite essential for humanity.
Comedy is also important for people because it induces laughter, which helps people get through tough times. We are living in an era where most individuals in society are experiencing depression and have no break-even solution as things continue to get worse. Comedy plays a big role in helping society overcome such challenges as it makes us forget about the bad times and tend to make laughable moments remind us how hilarious our lives are all together. Mental Health as a result of laughter and comedy. As already indicated, laughing leads to the release of endorphins as well as other hormones, which help reduce stress. Barrell (2016) notes that “when it comes to menta...
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