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Critically reflect on Caleb G Abram's Presentation

Essay Instructions:

Make sure to read the syllabus for instructions on how to write a critical reflection, format, do's and don'ts etc., before you attempt the  assignment. 

Critically reflect on Caleb G Abram's presentation - in which he screened a 1 hr documentary Lake of Betrayal (2017) and a short film in progress. Use at least one of the required readings uploaded under Week 1 as a lens to Caleb's presentation and inform your reflection. You may additionally refer to relate this to one or more of the films screened in class in Week 2, or the optional readings/outside sources if you wish.

Required Readings:

1.  "Towards the 'Tangible Unknown': Decolonization and the Indigenous future," by Aman Sium, Chandni Desai, and Eric Ritskes in Decolonization: indigeneity, education & society 1, no. 1 (2012).

2. "Celebrating Fourth Cinema" by Barry Barclay in Illusions Magazine, 35 (2003): 7-11.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Canary Effect Reflection
The Canary Effect Reflection
The canary effect film is a film which is in a documentary form that is majorly based on the way the indigenous people of the united states are living in a life that is very abusive and very terrifying. It looks into the effects the residents of the united states and the policies that have been put place have on the American indigenous people. It gives into details the united states government genocidal practices on the Indian country and their effects to the present day. In this paper I am going to reflect on the film using the Towards the ‘tangible unknown’: Decolonization and the Indigenous future a paper written by Aman Sium, Chandni Desai and Eric Ritskes.
To begin with, I will relate decolonisation as written in the paper with the film. Decolonisation involves when those that see themselves as superior and hence dominating the others remove their heavy hand upon those that they are colonising giving them their rights and freedom gradually (“Sium, A., Desai, C., & Ritskes, E.”, 2012). In the paper, they explain that there cannot be decolonisation work without the framework that gives the indigenous life the privileges that they require. Though in the film it shows how the decolonisation has not taken place because the indigenous life are not given the privileges that they deserve. The Indians are portrayed to be living in the reservations where the facilities are very poor. They access water that is very dirty that is brown, there is a lot of depression, most of the people are alcohol dependent, and the suicide trend is very high. For example, it shows that many school going kids attem...
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