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Comparative Essay: Are Anti Meat Subway Ads Effective

Essay Instructions:

The attachment is the essay instructions. And the essay topic that you can decide by the outline. The number of the sources is up to you either. The word count is about 750 words, like the word document 2-3 pages. And it’s 4 paragraphs. I think it’s double spaced.

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Comparative Essay
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The first essay “Are anti-meat subway ads effective?” Yes, provides evidence to show how effective the campaign of preventing people from using animal products was (Scott-Reid, 2018). The article offers a lot of examples of people that have refrained from consuming animal products after seeing the advertisement. It also offers some of the slogans that were used during the campaign and the challenges that the campaign went through. The second essay, "Are anti-meat subway ads effective? No" aims at convincing people that the campaign of urging people to stop using animal products was not successful (Zaraska, 2018). The author does this by offering various examples of people who are still justifying their reasons for using animal products despite having coma across the advertisements. As well, slogans used to dismiss the non-vegetarians’ claims have also been given to show how effective the campaign was. Therefore, both essays have presented enough evidence to support their claims and also reach their target audience.
The articles have presented their information in a clear and precise manner by targeting the right audience. Article one uses clear and precise language to persuade its audience into understanding how bad using animal products is. The author gives different examples of cases whereby people have refrained from using animal products as a result of the awareness that was being created in the form of advertisements. The article focuses on addressing both vegetarians and non-vegetarians with the aim of changing a person’s perspectives. This is a great way of writing because it leaves the audience with the option of choosing whether to believe and follow the author’s claims or not. It is written in a clear language that most English readers can understand. In addition, article two also uses clear explanations of the type of advertisements that a person is bound to meet in regard to the use of animal products. The author presents the claim at the beginning of the essay to ensure that they attract the attention of the readers. This is followed by the presentation of evidence that acts as a supporting information into convincing the audience to believe the claim. I think the article has targeted the right population because everybody has their opinion towards the use of animal products. The audience’s opinions are bound to change according to the feelings that the article evoke in them. According to the...
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