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Essay Instructions:

write a 4 page paper

Weigh the relative pros and cons of current trends to expand the scope of consideration of work-life issues. Include such topics as ethics, social responsibility, and workplace spirituality. Be sure to consider this question in relation to HRM as a strategic business partner.

subheadings should be:

* Current trends in work-life issues, including pros and cons

* How Gens X and Y are changing the workplace with their different views on work-life balance

* How ethics, social responsibility and workplace spirituality are impacting previous and current thinking

* Leadership's impact on work-life issues

* Other areas which you feel are relevant to work-life balance

Your paper should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues, drawing upon all of the required background readings.


Ballou, B., & Godwin, N. H. (2007). Quality of "work life". Strategic Finance, 89(4), 40-45. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from ProQuest. (Document ID: 1371086131).

Coffey, C., & Tombari, N. (2005). The bottom-line for work/life leadership: Linking diversity and organizational culture. Ivey Business Journal Online,1. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from ProQuest. (Document ID: 907427621).

Daly, K., & Hawkins, L. (2005). Fathers and the work-family politic. Ivey Business Journal Online, 1. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from ProQuest. (Document ID: 907427551).

Devaney, M., & Noone, P. (2008). Is lifestyle screening worth it? Occupational Health, 60(1), 27-29. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from ProQuest. (Document ID: 1414619141).

Marques, J., Dhiman, S., & King, R. (2007). Transform your workplace: Do well by doing good. Business Renaissance Quarterly, 2(1), 15-27. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from ProQuest. (Document ID: 1268767061).

Marques, J. (2005). HR's crucial role in the establishment of spirituality in the workplace. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 7(2), 27-31. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from ProQuest. (Document ID: 850335481).

Verschoor, C. C. (2007). Work-life balance, Superior's actions strongly influence ethical culture. Strategic Finance, 88(12), 13-14,65. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from ProQuest. (Document ID: 1298346451).

Whitacre, T. (2007). Managing a multigenerational workforce. Quality Progress, 40(12), 67. Retrieved May 17, 2010 from ProQuest. (Document ID: 1410309411).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Tutor’s Name:
(18 November 2010)

Work Issues- HRM
For any business firm to succeed the human resource must be effectively involved; the multiplicity of the human capital is essential thus each persons potential, performance, engagement, veracity, ingenuity and customer care and quality commitment must be incorporated. The business must invest in work life leadership so that business performance is guaranteed (Coffey, & Tombari, 2005). The firm must create and embed a culture so that all the employees from all genders address all the work requirements and demands effectively.
The workers are diverse in different ways and this should not be a barrier to achieving success; it should be used to create acceptance appreciation and respect for each other (Verschoor, 2007). The workers must support each other and motivate one another to work hard and always be dedicated in work.
The workers must also be responsible at the work place. Positive minded employers who consider that there is a helpful place is a succession of policies, programs, resources and benefits for employees, who help them in various fields such as work and social settings; it is basically a business of work where society will more likely feel that the quality of their work lives is high (Devaney, & Noone, 2008).
The businesses should ensure that they remain successful in that they look for well talented employees whose aim would be to raise the status of the company with new original ideas and bring forth more profits thus creating a more competitive field.
Current trends
Currently production is considered as essential in terms of competence which ensures that the business earn maximum profits. Shareholders value is also considered as a current trend; the shareholders forego the price of stock hence favoring themselves at the expense of the employees (Daly, & Hawkins, 2005). Work matters can be well thought-out by emphasizing on;
Focus on customers: The customer is a very crucial person to the business in that he can make or break the business in whatever he decides in purchasing the products or services of the business. The business must use very enticing ways to approach the customer to purchase more of the product or service (Marques, et al., 2007). The workers must ensure that the customers get value for their money.
Costs: Cost reduction is achieved through merging various entities to come up with a product that is unique and independent. Costs must be attainable, valid, upsizing, and focused on hub activities in a business entity (Marques, et al., 2007). Costs must also give a positive aspect of success and profit.
Focus on profitability is mainly to get the shareholders’ consent and meet the high return ratios that are needed from a constant production supply of services and goods.
Political trends and demands is a factor to consider in establishing a business. The political atmosphere determines whether it is possible to establish the business. A stable political environment is perfect for business operations while areas of instability such as coup de tarts and riots make it impossible to establish businesses (Marques, 2005). The businesses are also supported by stable governments that give subsidies and protect unhealthy competition thus the businesses stand to gain.
The business must also be flexible in the current times since it must remain dynamic (Marques, et al., 2007). Flexibility is majorly about organization and how fast a company can respond and change to time and products to maintain competition.
Employment in the current times is very competitive. A business must ensure that the employees are competitive in that they embrace technology through effective training. The rise in technology makes companies find out that they do not need permanent workers or numerous workers, so most of the employees turn to part-time, temporary, contingent and contract workers. This is very risky for a business in that it may lack manpower to undertake some activities (Coffey, & Tombari, 2005).
Employee commitment is a two way thing in that the worker and the employer have to show commitment to work and to employ. Managers' must be able to recognize employees' needs for work/life and implement those possible. Work/life, in its turn, has been shown to be a key to employee wellbeing.
How ethics, social responsibility and workplace spirituality impact previous and current thinking
Social responsibilities...
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