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Work life issues

Essay Instructions:
!!THE COMPANY/ORGANIZATION TO USE IS: Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) Please evaluate the effectiveness of your organization's work-life policies and practices. Be sure to give both the pros and cons of your organization's work-life policies, and their impact on employees' effectiveness in meeting their business's / organization's goals. Assignment Expectations The key aspects that your paper should cover are the same as for your case study; they include: * How your organization handles work-life balance, including pros and cons * How ethics, social responsibility, and workplace spirituality are expressed and "dealt with" * How generational issues are leveraged or coped with * What quality of "work-life" issues are there * How does leadership impact work-life balance
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Running Head: Work life issues

Work life issues
Work life balance has been defined as achieving equilibrium or maintaining an overall sense of harmony in life (Allen, T. D. 2001). In today’s fast paced world employee’s work under conditions of high stress, information overload, deadlines, lack of focus and lack of balance. Research within the company and elsewhere has shown that the most successful organizations and individuals actively practice work life balance. As a result such employees offer more quality and value in terms of output as they are more productive in the use of their time, knowledge and skills.
Work life balance – Computer Sciences Corporation
In order to encourage work life balance, CSC introduced a number of programmes in all departments.
Flexible working allows for home working, part-time working, compressed hours, and shorter work days for parents. Also paternal leave and paid leave to attend to sick family members can now be enjoyed by employees. Another initiative that CSC adopted is “spiritual leadership”. This involves giving employees the freedom and opportunity to express and explore their spirituality (Wolf, E. 2004). In order to support this initiative a free wellness and religious center were set up within the organization. The general aim of these policies is to enable flexibility of life, to support employees with obligations such as child care and to create an opportunity for relaxation and freedom of the mind.
The benefits that the company has been able to get out of these programs include; a reduced attrition rate, a more motivated workforce, a sharp decline in absenteeism, better physical health among members of staff and better performance per individual employee (Bailyn, L., Fletcher, J. K., and Kolb, D. (1997). These policies have also made it possible for the company to diversify and balance its workforce as we have been able to recruit from new social groups more so, younger workers. The obvious benefit of this diversity has been increased creativity and innovation. A mentorship program has also been introduces attaching the new yo...
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