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Managing In An Inclusive Environment: Discrimination

Essay Instructions:
I'd like you to read all of the required readings from the background page for this module. After you have read them and reflected upon them, analyze current (timely) issues related to employment discrimination that HR managers need to be aware of, and discuss a set of recommended actions for HR managers to help them ensure on an ongoing basis that their organization is not engaging in such discrimination. Focus on new topics or recent changes/trends to on-going topics in the discrimination area that have occurred/appeared within the past few years. [Important: Be sure to understand the difference between "diversity" and "non-discrimination" Your recommendations should address any and all aspects of HRM that may be involved in protecting against discrimination. Your recommendations should be as clear and specific as possible. Please upload your paper to CourseNet. Paper length: 4 pages, not counting the cover and reference pages. Assignment Expectations: Your paper should demonstrate critical thinking and analysis of the relevant issues and HRM actions, drawing upon all of the required background readings and any relevant sources from your prior courses and your own library and Internet research. Prepare a paper that is professionally presented (including a cover page, a "List of References," and a strong introduction and conclusion). Proofread your paper carefully for grammar, spelling and word-usage errors. Address all aspects of the assignment as stated above. Be sure to use subheadings of the topics above for ease of reading. Provide private-sector employer examples of HRM programs, systems, processes and/or procedures as you address the above assignment requirements. Provide the names of the employers. background and references info: ProQuest username: 4kw2wkdpbx. ProQuest password: welcome Acton, R. (2007, February). Court ruling makes discrimination cases harder to win for employer. The Business Journal - Central New York, 21(8), 22. Retrieved July 23, 2010, from http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1228363001&sid=39&Fmt=3&clientI d=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Conneely, B. S. (2005, June). Court Rejects EEOC Rule Allowing Employers to Give Retirees 65 or Older Health Benefits That Are Inferior to Those Given to Younger Retirees. Employee Benefit Plan Review, 59(12), 27-28. Retrieved July 23, 2010, from http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=859477691&sid=40&Fmt=3&clientId =29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD How to fight workplace discrimination: tips from EEOC lawyers. (2008, Sept). HR Focus, 85(9), 7-10. Retrieved July 23, 2010, from http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1547349141&sid=5&Fmt=3&clientId =29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD May, M. C. (2006, December). Working Remotely Was Not Reasonable. HRMagazine, 51(12), 101-102. Retrieved July 23, 2010, from http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1182796701&sid=11&Fmt=3&clientI d=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD McDonald, J. J. Jr. (2005, October). I Want a Nicer Boss. Employee Relations Law Journal, 31(2), 79-88. Retrieved July 23, 2010, from http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=891346021&sid=18&Fmt=3&clientId =29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Morales, G. (2007, December). EEOC Guidance On Workers With Caregiving Responsibilities. Practical Lawyer, 53(6), 17-19. Retrieved July 23, 2010, from http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1401787381&sid=23&Fmt=6&clientI d=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Pomeroy, A. (2006, March). The Ethics Squeeze. HRMagazine, 51(3), 48-55. Retrieved July 23, 2010, from http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1005971651&sid=1&Fmt=3&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Take a policy approach to fight discrimination claims. (2009, August). HR Focus, 86(8), 1,13-15. Retrieved July 23, 2010, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 1803046081), http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1803046081&sid=2&Fmt=3&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Tobenkin, David. (2008, Aug). Not Norwegian Enough. HRMagazine, 53(8), 91-95. Retrieved July 23, 2010, from http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1529898471&sid=13&Fmt=3&clientI d=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Optional Materials
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Tutor’s Name:
(10, November, 2010)
Managing In an Inclusive Environment: Discrimination
In the recent past, any form discrimination at work place has been taken as a serious offence especially with regard to violation of human rights and it has always resulted to war in courts as the victims seek justice and in most cases has led to creation of negative public image of organizations involved.
Discrimination: this happens when an employee is treated unfairly or unfavorably at their places of work depending on their race, social status, sexual orientation, gender, religion, nationality, disabilities or in terms of other legally protected characteristics (Cohn, 2000). Besides the more familiar forms of discrimination like race, ethnicity, religion, disability and sexual harassment there are newer forms of biases emerging globally for example on age, genetic disposition, HIV/Aids, migration, lifestyle and sexual orientation/gays.
Forms of discrimination at work place
Current issues related to employment discrimination that HR managers need to be aware include the rise in incidences of discrimination especially based on sexual orientation/gays, appearance/obese, HIV/Aids status, age (young or older above 40 years old), genetic disposition, migration, nationality, and lifestyle (Kul & Critzer, 2000).
Age discrimination: this is evident at both ends of spectrum i.e. the young and the old. Younger workers are being paid low salaries from the argument that they are less experienced while the older workers are not likely to be hired because of their old age.
Migration: employees are being exploited when it comes to comes to contract bidding, low salaries and wages as well as menial jobs. This is evident when dealing with migrants from the big group in the Asian region.
HIV/Aids: many people seeking employment at this period are required to disclose their genetic disposition/genetic screening to aid in making of personnel decisions with special regards to health benefits, disabilities and illnesses and some of these requirements are being used to disqualify them from employment especially with the case of HIV/Ads epidemic. This leads to a discriminatory behavior in most employers. This is clearly evident in the case: "Eugene Johnson, et al., v. Gary Locke, Secretary, U.S. Department of Commerce," No. 10-cv-3105, in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York where the law suit alleges that Census Bureau unlawfully screens out job applicants who have arrest records, regardless of whether the arrest led to any actual criminal conviction…or nothing at all. (Newswire, Apr 13, 2010).
Also, the source further alleges that: thousands of African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans have been rejected for jobs by the U.S. Census Bureau during the federal government's massive hiring campaign for this year's census because of systematic discrimination, according to a class action filed today in New York federal court.
Lifestyle: persons are being subjected to unfavorable employment practices like refusing to recruit obese people or even penalizing smokers by making them to pay more for health insurance. Employment decisions should be based on person’s capacity to perform designated job but not on his lifestyle.
Recommendations for HR Managers
It’s very critical that a HR manager creates and maintains a business environment that is free from any form of discrimination as these impacts negatively on the organizations public relations as well as other widespread ramifications like law suits. Some of the recommended actions for HR managers to help them ensure that on an ongoing basis their organizat...
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