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Managing In An Inclusive Environment: Discrimination slp

Essay Instructions:
!!THE COMPANY TO USE IS Microsoft!! Be sure to use subheadings to answer the following and draw a conclusion at the end: --Evaluate the degree to which your SLP organization is committed to and successfully practices non-discrimination. --What do anti-discrimination laws specifically require of employers? Beyond the stated protected categories (age, sex, religion, and so forth)...what more specific employer actions are needed? For example, are there posting requirements, reporting requirements, training requirements, affirmative action requirements, reasonable accommodation requirements and so forth)? --Have there been charges of discrimination filed against this employer? What resulted from those charges? Please discuss. if you cannot find the information you need on the specific organization, instead discuss information from other private-sector organizations. Apply HRM terminology, HRM background readings, research, and business examples of HRM policies, practices, and procedures as they might compare or contrast to your chosen organization. Bring in other private-sector employers' HRM activities, systems, practices and procedures as examples that fit into your assignment dicussion. Prepare a paper that is professionally presented (including a cover page, a "List of References," and a strong introduction and conclusion). Proofread your paper carefully for grammar, spelling and word-usage errors.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Running head: Business Management
Microsoft is public corporation that operates internationally to produce and authorize numerous computing products through its various product departments. Management in this and other similar organizations is a key to organizational success and productivity. Various factors contribute to organizational success, the most important being employee satisfaction and performance management. Discrimination of employees is a case that has been rampant in all organizations, regardless of the structure and set up, since those in management positions always feel higher than the others in the lower positions (William and John, 2009).
Charges against the company
The Microsoft Corporation as an employer has had numerous discrimination charges filed against it over the time. It happened particularly in 2001 when seven of the African-American workers filed a discrimination case about the company. Additionally, there was the greatest of all filed against alleged racism in the United States. It was evident from the cases that discrimination took the form of performance evaluation, Packages of payment and job termination that took wrong course. The company’s female workers were said to be paid less salaries than males performing roles. All those charges dominated in the 1990’s leading to the workers protesting, with a demand for equality and justice. This resulted in employees calling for legal proceedings with an intention to transform the company to a better workplace. It as well made the government increase its regulation over the organization, contrary to the former state of freedom from government intrusion, a factor that impedes the operations of the company (William and John, 2009)
Success towards anti-discrimination
However, The Company has been successful in overcoming the problem of employee discrimination over the years, by laying some vital strategies. The spokesman of the company stated that their major value has been on their employees due to a new dawn that proves that successful organizations have their employees satisfied by the quality of services offered to them. The organizations have been transformed to incorporate people from different diversities. It has also been considered fundamental that they should cater for the wellbeing and health of every employee. This has contributed to creativity and success in the corporation. They believe in treating every employee equally, regardless of abilities, social status or any other characteristic, thus are able to retain talents a...
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