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1 pages/≈275 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Movie reflection. Business & Marketing Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

Watch this movie and complete a write up (12 point font, single-spaced, up to a page and a half - no less than one page). In your write up, link the movie to marketing strategy and specifically the hospitality industry. This video special is now 16 years old. What have we learned? What are the take-home messages and/or prescriptions the video offers? Think about the significance of the movie for explaining and guiding the hospitality industry over the next 1-4 years.

The movie: https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/video/frontline-persuaders/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Movie Reflection
Movie Reflection
The Persuaders," FRONTLINE is a movie that explores and analyses how advertising and marketing strategy has played a significant role in influencing what American citizens buy and how they perceive themselves. The hospitality industry contains a wide range of services, such as traveling and lodging. The hospitality industry has been advertised in Persuaders through the identification of a particular focus group. Persuaders explores how various companies utilize technology to advertise, especially in the hospitality industry. Persuaders explores how companies such as the song airlines launch new airlines by making women their target market. Andy suggests creating a campaign for an emotional and spirited song that could deliver essential benefits. The song company uses images and emotions in advertising the airline.
An emotional advertisement has also been use...
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