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Mini Essay Business & Marketing Essay Research Paper

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What are the typical tasks performed by professionals in this field?
The IB-related professional field I selected and felt attracted to is to be a marketing manager. In essence, a marketing manager is involved in several typical tasks during their day to day activities. The roles of a marketing manager revolve around several tasks, which include: advertisements, promotions, and marketing programs to enhance clients' demand for an organization's products or services (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). As a result, marketing managers' roles are aimed at promoting the businesses, services, and products offered by an organization or employer. Nevertheless, their roles are usually attained by undertaking several activities assigned to them.
In essence, a market manager is a pivotal element in the sales administration of any organization. He or she is mandated with the POSDCORD (Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting) functions related to marketing. A marketing manager's duties may vary depending on the size of an organization and the nature of the business. Overall, a marketing manager's roles are to ensure that the products and services of an organization outdo those of competitors and identify the potential markets for products and services.
Planning for the future. It is the role of the marketing manager to plan for long-term marketing activities in an organization. He or she is involved in making decisions related to marketing, the amount and nature of products to be distributed, and advertising/marketing approaches that are appropriate (De Langhe, 2016).
Providing advice to top management. Marketing managers are required to give ideas and opinions on how to expand and improve an organization's marketing department or program. It is their mandate to enlighten top management about the present and future prospects of the department (De Langhe, 2016).
Hiring and placement of salespeople. Marketing managers should be guided by the watchwords "right people for the right jobs" (De Langhe, 2016). He or she needs to hire the right marketing representatives, followed by the proper placement of the hired ones.
Training the marketing force. A marketing manager should collaborate with training departmental heads to ensure all new staff in the marketing department are trained and that the old ones undergo continuous training such as refresher courses.
Organizing the marketing department. A marketing manager needs to draw an organization chart that provides all the directions and guidelines on how marketing is to be undertaken. He or she is involved in fixing responsibilities for marketing staff working in different positions. In essence, marketing managers are a central figure in ensuring they market an organization's products and services.
What are the job prospects like for this professional field?
Based on the statistics provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, a marketing manager is one of the professional fields whose growth is expected in the coming years. Overall, the Bureau projected that employment for advertising, promotions, and marketing managers is expected to experience a growth rate of about 6% from 2019 to 2029 (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics). This rate of growth for these professionals is much higher compared to the average rate for all occupations. Notably, due to the current market trends, it is only likely that competition among organizations will continue to be high and stiff. As a result, organizations will tend to make more investments in their advertisement, promotions, and marketing campaigns. These activities will be essential for organizations in their quest to maintain their current markets (clients) and expand their market (potential clients).
Why are you attracted to this type of position (Indicated in the Appendix)?
In case, both Magnanimous Solutions Inc. and Business Development and Marketing Firm a...
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