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Ethical Questions about Prostitution

Essay Instructions:

Review the following ethical questions;

They are questions that we all face in life and we all have strong opinions on;

Select two questions that you have a strong opinion on and explain in detail;

Take a strong stance of both of them and justify your answer!

Your paper should be at least four pages long with a distinctive title to both your selections!

Put your thinking caps on and express yourself

When is a human being entitled to a full set of rights? Explain in detail.

Would it be permissible to torture one person to obtain the happiness of many?" Explain in detail and why?

Are there any times or circumstances where lying, stealing, adultery, or murder is justified?

Should males and females be treated alike in all cases legally or is gender equality valid in some circumstances?

Would You Tell If You Saw a Friend Cheating on a Test?

Should Politics and Church Be Separate?

Should Assisted Suicides Be Allowed for Terminally Ill Patients?

Should violent offenders be incarcerated or executed when the possibility of rehabilitation is low?

Should Prostitution be legalized?

Should the right to die be enshrined in law?

Should the right to consume intoxicants and hallucinogens be enshrined in law?

Should people be allowed to engage in hunting for the sole purpose of entertainment?

Should suicide be a crime ?

Should you always obey the law?

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Ethical Questions
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Ethical Questions
Should Prostitution be legalized?
Over the years, people have had differing opinions on whether prostitution should be legalized, decriminalized, or remain illegal. This is a contentious debate that has been ongoing for many years. Although in some countries like the Netherlands, prostitution is legal, the practice has remained illegal in most countries, including the United States of America (U.S.) except the state of Nevada. One of the reasons prostitution is a contentious issue is because topics related to sexuality are controversial as many people give their opinions based on their effects on society and cultural practices. Nevertheless, laws to legalize prostitution would be a wrong move given the impacts of the practice on society.
One of the negative aspects of prostitution is that it promotes violence and abuse as well as sexually objectifies women by viewing and treating them as de-personalized objects of desire. According to Chaya (2018), about 80 percent of sex workers are women, and most of them tend to face many risks related to sex and physical assault during their day to day activities. This is illustrated by rape statistics in Nevada, a state which has legalized prostitution, as the prevalence of rape is 25 percent above the national average (Chaya, 2018). In this sense, pro...
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