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Business and Marketing Essay: Right to Die

Essay Instructions:

Take one question that resonates with you and tell me YOUR VIEWS AND BELIEFS!

What do you believe about the question that you selected?

Be specific and take a firm stance!

Have fun here and tell me your beliefs!

Give your paper a unique title.

Should Prostitution be legalized?

Should pot be legalized?

Should the right to die be enshrined in law?

Is the consumption of the flesh of other creatures moral?

Bearing in mind the current state of the planet Earth, should humans consider the colonization of the rest of the galaxy?

Do rich nations have an ethical obligation to welcome refugees of other countries whose economies they may have damaged beyond repair?

Should the right to consume intoxicants and hallucinogens be enshrined in law?

Should parents who allow or encourage their children to become super morbidly obese be treated as child abusers and suffer the full penalties under law?

Does the preservation of a country’s culture take precedence over the rights of its new immigrants to conserve their old way of life on new soil?

Should people be encouraged to limit population growth until the human population matches that which the planet can sustainably maintain?

Should people be allowed to engage in hunting for the sole purpose of entertainment?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Right to Die
Student's Name
Right to Die
The right to life has been widely accepted by several jurisdictions to be a fundamental human right. There are are some incidences where one has lawfully been deprived of the right to life. In most jurisdictions, it has become a convention for murder convicts to end up on death row. Armed robbery and rape cases also warrant the death penalty in some cases. Some countries have spiced up the fundamental right with additional grants that aim to guarantee full enjoyment such as the right to shelter, livelihood, education, right to pollutant-free air and water, among other things. One thing that is often overlooked, although it has sparked quite a contentious debate in the recent past, is the right to die as a fundamental right, or at least as a subset of the right to life. There is absolutely no point in allowing a person to continue bearing intolerable sufferings yet there is a will and means by which the pain can be relieved. The right to die, therefore, should be enshrined in law just as the right to life to fully satisfy individual freedom of life that entails birth, living, and also death.
It is important to note that death is an integral part of life (Bluck & Mroz, 2018), and the provision of the right to life without granting the freedom to rightfully terminate own life is as good as violation of the very same right that ought to be upheld. Quality of life is an essential component of the right to life. Sometimes, the quality of life becomes barely unbearable, and one may deem it not worth living. In such a scenario, the provision of the right to death would help one alleviate the sufferings that may arise due to the deteroriation of quality of life. Besides, forcing people to continue living an undesirable life is as good as forcing one to die when they are certain that life is still worth living. Whichever the case, one's freedom is infringed.
Opponents of the legal right to die have had several arguments against the enshrinement of the right to die alongside ...
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