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1 pages/≈275 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Consumption Environments. Business & Marketing Essay.

Essay Instructions:

Watch this movie and complete a write up (12 point font, single-spaced, up to a page and a half - no less than one page). In your write up, link the movie to marketing strategy and specifically the hospitality industry. This video special is now 16 years old. What have we learned? What are the take-home messages and/or prescriptions the video offers? Think about the significance of the movie for explaining and guiding the hospitality industry over the next 1-4 years.

The movie: https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/video/frontline-persuaders/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Consumption Environments
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Consumption Environments
What we learn from the movie is that advertising has changed from a product-focused practice to a consumer-focused practice. This is evident in how advertisers are now more focused on appealing to the individual tastes, feelings, and wants of the consumer. In the hospitality industry, the marketing strategy, as shown in the movie, has also changed. For instance, in the case of Delta’s disbanded subsidiary, Song, the marketers chose to focus on the needs that most consumers (women) felt they were not getting. By doing so, Song’s marketers embarked on a bold marketing strategy, which was confusing to most consumers. As seen in the movie, some could not even tell that Song was an airline because all the layers and layers applied while trying to...
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