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Business & Marketing
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Essay Instructions:
MOD02_Lecture_Product_and_Branding.ppt MKT301 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Answer the following questions in one paragraph each. List the question then the answer below. 1.Choose a brand name for a new university from the four listed below. After studying the teaching materials explain why you think the name you have chosen is more appropriate than the others. Discuss the pros and cons of your suggested name AND the suggestions of other students. THE KEY UNIVERSITY TITAN UNIVERSITY TREADWELL UNIVERSITY TRIDENT UNIVERSITY 2.Identify two examples from your experience of when a distribution strategy has had a significant impact on you as a consumer, one positive and one negative. Explain what happened and what the impact was, (e.g. you decided never to use that company again). 3.Let's talk a bit about advertising, and think a little about how it works. Answer ALL the questions. Do you like advertising, (on TV, billboards, in magazines, on websites), in general? Do you like or dislike any particular advertisement? If so which was it and what was it that you liked or disliked about it? Do you think this influenced your purchasing? 4.Give an example of both a product which you felt was “under-priced” (relative to what you were willing to pay), explaining why you felt it was under-priced, AND a product you felt was “over-priced” (relative to your valuation of it) but you paid for it anyway. Explain both situations as fully as possible including any effect on your opinion of or attitude towards the brand explaining why you bought the thing you thought was "over-priced". 5. Discuss what implications the course materials and assignments have for the idea that people market themselves, and consider particularly whether and how you have marketed yourself in the past or might market yourself in the future.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running Head: Marketing TD
Topic: Marketing TD
1. Choose a brand name for a new university from the four listed below. After studying the teaching materials explain why you think the name you have chosen is more appropriate than the others. Discuss the pros and cons of your suggested name AND the suggestions of other students.
Titan is a name that is synonymous to greatness this creates an impression of a great University and students are likely to be motivated to apply to Titan University. The name Titan is also an easy name to recall and pronounce making it more marketable as compared to other brand names. This gives an impression that once one finishes his/her education at Titans University they are likely to become a great and important person. The other names are not likely to express greatness. The name titans will therefore motivate the students who enroll in the university to work harder so as to achieve greatness. However for those who enroll thinking that success and greatness is automatic are likely to be disappointed.
2. Identify two examples from your experience of when a distribution strategy has had a significant impact on you as a consumer, one positive and one negative. Explain what happened and what the impact was, (e.g. you decided never to use that company again).
Firstly we have two types of distribution strategies that are direct and indirect this depends on the need to have middle men in the distribution strategy or whether to get to the products to the customers directly. Direct distribution strategy is the best distribution strategy i.e. pizza deliveries once you order you get you what you ordered for in good time and saves time and costs of the product. The cost of ordering a pizza from your home becomes low as compared to if you had middle men in the chain of distribution.
On the other hand indirect distribution has is not a good type of distribution the case of buying a car in this case a Toyota. In the case where it has issues one has to go to the seller of the car that is the middle men or distributors then the distributor will then get to the car manufactures for repairs. This takes a lot of time and money wasting in the time when the distributors go to the manufactures before getting back to you. I wo...
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