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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Business Entity Type: Starting a Business

Essay Instructions:



This Business Project must be your own work. Except as set forth below, you may rely on course material only. You may consult the Internet to complete Part II and only for the specific website designated in Part II. You may also consult the Internet, if necessary, to complete Part III. DO NOT CUT AND PASTE OR QUOTE FROM ANY SOURCE. You must paraphrase in your own words (more than seven consecutive words). Collaboration is NOT permitted. Use completed sentences and do not use bullet points or outline format but do use Roman Numeral/capitalized letter for each section or sub-section. Inserting the relevant Roman Numeral/capitalized letter for each section/sub-section is worth 1.0 points. If you took this class before, resubmitting any part of your previous project is self-plagiarism and a violation of the Honor Code.

Your Business Project must be double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point font. Include your name, date, the name of your business and business entity type in the upper left corner. Your course and section # are already inserted. Inserting the relevant information above is worth .4 points. Use the Bus 103 and 303 Mechanics of Writing Guide for guidance in writing. In addition, do not start a sentence with a number (e.g.1, 15, 30) but spell the number out and do not use contractions in your project (e.g. use cannot instead of can’t).

Follow the Format attached. Your Project must be no more than 1000 words, but should be approximately 700 words (approximately 2-3.5 pages). A stapled hard-copy of your Project is due in-person on May 8 at 7:20 PM. Also, a Word version of your Project MUST be submitted to Safe Assign on Blackboard by 7:20 PM on May 8. Submit your Word document to SafeAssign through the link in the “Business Project” tab on Blackboard. Please review the Business Project Grading Rubric attached before completing.

Failure to submit a stapled hard-copy in person on time will result in a deduction. No hard copies will be accepted in person after 8:00 PM on May 8, 2019, at which point the Professor will grade the Project submitted to SafeAssign with a 10-point deduction. Failure to submit the Project to SafeAssign on time will also result in a 10-point deduction. However, SafeAssign will close at 10:00 PM on May 8, 2019, after which no Project will be accepted. If no Project is submitted to SafeAssign by 10:00 PM, then the student earns a grade of 0. Projects submitted by students will NOT be accepted by e-mail.

Extra Credit: If you submit your Project to SafeAssign by 7:20 PM on Wednesday, May 1 and hand in your stapled hard copy during class on May 1, 2019, you will earn 7 extra points on the project.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Starting a Business Name Institutional Affiliation Starting a Business Business Entity Type * I would like to start a digital marketing consultancy in Fairfax County, Virginia. This is aimed at providing effective digital marketing solutions to companies that struggle with implementing the conventional forms of marketing. In this regard, the main service offered to customers will be marketing solutions to their products as well as the full range of digital marketing options available with a keen focus on social media and email marketing. * I selected to make this business an LLC with the aim of providing myself with flexibility in terms of future operations as well as enabling me to retain effective control over the company and its assets. The legal name for my business will be Cornerstone Digital Solutions LLC. As the sole owner, I will be a limited partner and will have full authority over the operations of the company until I establish other limited partners to work with in future. As the owner, my role will be to provide consulting services on digital marketing solutions, specifically to develop appropriate strategies, implement them, and assess their success with regards to the needs of the customer. In this way, this ensures I can not only understand my business, but that I will also take an active role in managing and growing it. * In my company, I plan on having four fulltime employees, one of which will be myself. The other three employees will comprise of an office administrator, a creative developer, and a graphic designer. The office administrator will be in c...
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