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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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What Hurdles Or Obstacles Have You Overcome In Your Position?

Essay Instructions:

Interview a professional who works in a professional career field for five years or more in Finance, Accounting, Marketing, or Operations Management. This should not be a family member. Write a summary paper of your interview, using the attached writing prompts to guide your conversation.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Professional Interview
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The previous month, I got a chance to spend some time with a friend whom I did not meet for long. Mr. X and I studied in the same school, and after spending three years here in New York City, he moved to Japan with his parents. He told me that he came back to the United States three months ago, as his parents died in a road accident and he wanted to forget those bitter memories in order to be able to give a new start to his life. Currently, he is working as a financial advisor at a reputed company in the city. Mr. X told me that he majored in Finance and did several short courses on marketing and business administration before applying for a position at this company. He works for twenty to thirty hours per week and is paid up to $250,000 per year. Previously, when he was in Japan, Mr. X was running his own business, but things did not work as planned, so he switched to America.
What hurdles or obstacles have you overcome in your position?
Mr. X: I have been through tough times both personally and professionally. I lost my parents and saw my business going down day by day. The current position of a financial advisor is quite challenging, as I have to work for extra hours. In some situations, I have to handle all finance-related tasks for the company, but I always try to give my best.
We have studied Accounting, Finance, Marketing and Operations Management. How do you use these in your current job?
Mr. X: I am basically responsible for researching and considering all retail investment products or providing advice to the employer or manager in order to make it easy for them to gain more profit. I have learned a lot f...
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