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Deutsche Bank Case. Business & Marketing Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

I need about 10 questions for Deutsche Bank Case (the case proposal in the file). And these questions need to be depth, in strategy level and insightful. Especially aim at this case, about their business strategy.

I think the questions in the docs is too simple and basic, I have written the question for the tesla case, you can take a look, it is better to focus on the strategy of the deutsche and the current situation. Hope it is thoughtful. Doesn't need the answer.

Project Proposal Group #1 : Deutsche Bank Description: Deutsche Bank AG is a German multinational investment bank and financial services company headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany. The bank is operational in 58 countries with a large presence in Europe, the Americas and Asia.[3] As of April 2018, Deutsche Bank is the 15th largest bank in the world by total assets.[4] As the largest German banking institution in the world, it is a component of the DAX stock market index. The company is a universal bank resting on three pillars – the Private & Commercial Bank, the Corporate & Investment Bank (CIB) and Asset Management (DWS). Its investment banking operations lie within the Bulge Bracket, often commanding substantial regional deal flow, and maintaining a variety of "sell side" and "buy side" departments. On 19 November 2018, a whistleblower on alleged money-laundering activities undertaken by Danske Bank stated that a large European bank was involved in helping Danske process $150 billion in suspect funds.[96] Although the whistleblower, Howard Wilkinson, did not name Deutsche Bank directly, another inside source claimed the institute in question was Deutsche Bank's U.S. unit. Strategic Issue: How can Deutsche Bank return to profitability and specialization by avoiding spreading its efforts across too many business units? Data Sources: ● https://www(dot)db(dot)com/usa/.com ● Bloomberg Terminals ● Testimonials across various business divisions ● Mergent Database (UOP Library Database) ● Euromonitor (UOP Library Database) ● Business Source Complete (UOP Library Database) ● Deutsche Bank 10-K ● Deutsche Bank Annual Report ● https://www(dot)newyorker(dot)com/magazine/2016/08/29/deutsche-banks-10-billion-scandal ● https://www(dot)ft(dot)com/content/d7a012a2-f3d1-11e8-ae55-df4bf40f9d0d ● https://www(dot)forbes(dot)com/sites/francescoppola/2018/11/29/the-panama-papersinvestigation-bites-deutsche-bank/ ● Other articles from Bloomberg BusinessWeek and the Wall Street Journal

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Deutsche Bank Case
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1. What strategies Deutsche Bank should implement in order to return to profitability?
2. How can the bank avoid spreading efforts across useless business units?
3. How much money the bank should take from the shareholders in order to strengthen the business?
4. What is the contribution of its DWS Group to the way Deutsche Bank sells different holdings?
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