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Business Project: Cuban Accounting

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Business Project-Accounting Firm in Virginia
[Name of the Writer]
[Name of the Institution]
[Name of the Subject]
Business Project-Accounting Firm in Virginia
I. Business Type
The Cuban Accounting firm will be a small bookkeeping as well as tax preparation company owned by John Maxwell. The accounting firm offers QuickBooks set-up, management accounting, tax accounting as well as training for the clients belonging to small enterprises. The accounting industry is highly competitive as firms are also focusing on outsourcing accounting services to low-cost countries. Therefore, Cuban accounting firm will employ cost leadership strategy to offer its services at the lowest operation cost in the industry. The main areas of focus will be book keeping (accounting and consulting services) and tax services delivered through a licensed CPA (Certified Public Accountants). The company intend to deliver these services in a basic digitised form to small businesses. As these businesses will achieve growth they will require more complex services. Thus, if we are successful in delivering more simplified, but outstanding services through an application or a portal then these firms will seek our assistance again when they need something more involved.
The company will initially consists of 10 employees. Among which 6 will be full-time employees while remaining will be part-time employees in the firms. The accounting advisor will provide continuous assistance to the clients to address their queries and ensure efficient operations. Furthermore, clients will be able to access their online apps with one-click. They will receive updates about their performance and alerts will be displayed on their screens related to the changes. The accounting and tax advice will reach a new level, where review and authorisation of payment will be conducted online. Clients will be able to have stress-free lodgements and receive automated bank feeds through the custo...
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