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Development of Human Reproductive Organs: Conception and Puberty

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Introduction to Biopsychology. By John P. J. Pinel (Author).

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Question 3

(a) Discuss how human reproductive organs develop. Your answer must analyse the development that takes place after conception and in puberty.

(20 marks)

(b) Critically examine TWO (2) reasons why a basic understanding of genetics is critical for social work practice.

(10 marks)

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Question 3
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Question 3#:
a) Discuss how human reproductive organs develop. Your answer must analyze the development that takes place after conception and puberty.
The sex of the baby is determined during conception by gene interaction. Male sperm and a female egg contain the necessary to for determining human biological features. Embryos with XY chromosomes make up boys, and XX chromosomes lead to girl gender. At primordial stages, females and males display the same sexual algorithm. In about 7-8 weeks during pregnancy, both sexes develop genital ridge, transforming into either female or male genitalia via differentiation. Thus, it appears that the reproductive systems of both sexes emerge from a similar background. In male and female embryos, cells can develop into male or female gonads. The SRY gene engages various genes that herald the development of testes. At the same time, it prevents genes that are necessary for female development. In the absence of SRY, separate genes dominate, leading to the formation of oogonia form and primordial follicles that result in the primitive ovary. The testes in men are comparable to labia and ovaries in women, and the penis is the equivalent of the clitoris. Male hormones, including testosterone, control the development of reproductive organs. In about 7th week, the production of testosterone, a male hormone, is signaled by the Y chromosome, thereby resulting in the formation of male reproductive organs or genitalia. The internal reproductive structures such as uterine tubes, the internal part of the vagina, seminal vesicles, and uterus developed from two rudimentary ducts in the embryo. There is always a need to suppress the development of a particular system to allow the development of a reproductive system based on gender. For instance, some biological productions suppress the formation of the Mullerian duct to allow males' full formation. Without such suppressions, the Mullerian duct wi...
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