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Biological & Biomedical Sciences
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Biological and Biomedical Sciences

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Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Department, University
Glucose is converted to pyruvate through a process known as glycolysis, where glucose is cleaved to produce two three-carbon molecules known as pyruvate. This process occurs in the cytosol of plant cells, animal cells, and microorganism cells. Glycolysis is a ten-step process that requires energy in the form of ATP, and each step is catalyzed by an enzyme. Hexokinase enzyme catalyzes the first step of this process, and it is the enzyme that is regulated in the process.
Palmitoyl CoA is converted to Myristoyl CoA and Acetyl CoA in a beta-oxidation of saturated fatty acids process. This process takes place in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. Conversion of Palmitoyl-CoA to Myristoyl-CoA occurs in four steps; each step is catalyzed by an enzyme.
Glucose is converted to glycogen in a process called glycogenesis. This process is activated by the insulin hormone that is produced when blood glucose levels increase above optimum. It takes place in the liver and muscle cells essential in the storage of glucose.
Conversion of glutamate to glutamine is catalyzed by glutamate synthase. It occurs in glial cells of mitochondria. Conversion of glutamate to glutamine is essential because it controls glutamatergic neurotransmission in human brain cells.
Glutamine is converted to glutamate by glutaminase, a mitochondrial enzyme that is activated by a phosphate group. It takes place in the mitochondria. Conversion of glutamine to glutamate is essential since it reduces the amount of glutamine in the body that may cause nausea, joint pain, and vomiting when left at a high concentration.
Name TWO metabolic pathways/processes that are active in the Liver, Brain, Red blood cell (RBC), Skeletal muscle organs. Then tell me if the metabolic pathway that you listed is active during a fed or fasted state or during both.
Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis are the significant pathways that are active in the liver during a fed or fasted state. During the fed state, glycolysis is more involved since glucose is abundant. The process remains dormant during a fasted state since liver cells use β-oxidation of fatty acids for energy supply. Gluconeogenesis metabolic pathway is active during the fasted state since, during this state, the liver relies on glucose from non-carbohydrate. This pathway also remains active during the fed state, especially when the meal had high protein and fats without carbohydrates.
In the adipose tissues, lipogenesis and lipolysis are the major metabolic pathways during the fed and fasting state. Lipogenesis is more active during the fed state since during this state, glycolysis is high, increasing the level of acetyl-CoA, a precursor for triglycerides synthesis. During the fasted state, lipolysis is active since the body relies on energy from fats since the level of glucose is low. Lipolysis also remains active during the fed state, especially after a fat meal.
In the brain, glycolysis and gluconeogenesis are the major metabolic pathways that are active during the fed and fasted state. Glucose is the only source of energy in the brain. During the fed state, glycolysis is happening since the brain uses glucose from the liver to generate energy. Gluconeogenesis during this state is not active. During a fasted state, glycolysis still remains active, but in this case, it utilizes glucose from gluconeogenesis.
In red blood cells, major metabolic pathways are glycolytic and pentose phosphate pathways. During the fed state, glycolytic and pentose pathways are active since they all have adequate glucose to produce ATP and NADPH, respectively. The pentose pathway requires glucose-6-phosphate from glycolysis to take place. During the fasted state, the glucose available is utilized by brain cells. During this state, glycolysis is not active since glucose is not available to be utilized. Since glycolysis is not active, it means that G6P will not be available for Pentose pathways to proceed.
Glycogenesis and glycogenolysis pathways are active in the skeletal muscles during the fed and fasted state. Glycogenesis is happening during the fed upstate to convert excess glucose to glycogen...
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