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Research On Scientific Theories, Hypotheses, And Laws

Essay Instructions:

Theories, hypotheses, and laws form the life-blood of chemistry. Using the Internet, conduct research on scientific theories, hypotheses, and laws. Based on your research, answer the following:

What do you think is the difference between a scientific theory, scientific hypothesis, and scientific law?

Is there a sequential move from one to another; amongst scientific law, theory, and a hypothesis?

Describe controlled conditions to find a scientific solution to a problem.

Discussion Question 2

Every measurement has a measurement uncertainty. Using the Internet, conduct research on measurement uncertainty. Based on your understanding, respond to the following:

How can precise and accurate measurement be achieved in spite of the inherent measurement uncertainty? (You will want to define accuracy and precision).

What are the types of measurement errors? Explain at least three such errors

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Theories, Hypotheses
Name Course Instructor Date
Discussion Question 1What do you think is the difference between a scientific theory, scientific hypothesis, and scientific law?
A scientific theory is a broad explanation of a variety of observable phenomena that are well established and include many hypotheses and laws that explain facts. Theories are internally consistent, are well established, justified and explain the assumption of reason. A scientific hypothesis is an explanation given by the observer for a certain phenomenon or problem. A scientific law is a way of generalizing a relationship between two or more variables and a cumulative set of data about a certain phenomenon to determine a pattern.Is there a sequential move from one to another; amongst scientific law, theory, and a hypothesis?
Yes, there is a sequential move from a scientific law, theory, and hypothesis. The scientific method begins with observation and description of a phenomenon or phenomena. This is followed by creating a hypothesis to explain the phenomena. Then the hypothesis is used to predict other phenomena, and then testing the predictions. When experiments support the hypothesis, the hypothesis is considered a theory or a law. If the hypothesis is not supported a hypothesis is modified or rejected.
Describe controlled conditions to find a scien...
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