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Progressive Era Response To Urbanization And Industrialization

Essay Instructions:

I must have this paper done correctly please. My last writer seemed to not even know English well. The paper had many lazy errors with grammar in my paper. I do realize you guys do not strive to make errors, but the last writer did not know English.

I must have this paper setup in the rule of three format with a thesis statement. This is an example of that. I also attached some more examples of rule of three documentation.

To organize your argument you will need a Rule of Three Thesis Statement: Cheeseburgers are the best food for a meal since they lead restaurant sales, are popular with average Americans, and have wholesome ingredients.

This thesis tells the reader the premise of the argument and where the argument is going (a road map of the essay). You will then follow up with your specific and detailed evidence and an explanation of how this evidence supports your argument. And since the thesis is a road map, you will need to discuss your evidence in the order in which it is presented in the thesis (restaurant data first, then surveys, then ingredients).

We require "Rule of Three" analytical writing in this course. In the folder below is more information on Rule of Three writing.

Primary Sources are anything produced at the time of study. For example a transcript of a court case from 1805, a diary entry of First Lady Dolley Madison concerning the British invasion, a newsreel of the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, a letter between a labor organizer and the president of a company concerning negotiations over a labor agreement in 1937, a map showing the proposed route of a transcontinental railroad from 1856, a newspaper article from 1876 recounting the defeat of Gen. Custer at Little Big Horn, or even material evidence such as pottery from an Anasazi site, a nurse's uniform from WWI, or a Frank Lloyd Wright designed building from the mid-20th century.

Secondary Sources are anything produced after the time under study. A key example would be the Corbett textbook or any book by a historian.

Understand what the prompt is asking

Do some brainstorming, maybe even create a concept map

Determine the key concepts (minimum of three) you will be discussing in your essay (which will make up your thesis statement)

Decide upon the evidence you will use to support your arguments concerning the key concepts. Make sure that you have at least three pieces of concrete/detailed historical evidence for each of your key concepts

Outline your essay

Finally, write up your essay using Rule of Three concepts (intro with thesis statement, an analytical paragraph for each of the concepts of the thesis (minimum of three paragraphs in the body), and a conclusion which sums up you key arguments but does not present new information)

I will now get into the actual assignment directions what is written above is what is required for this paper as well.



In this assignment you will use primary documents, in addition to other course materials, in an analytical argument. You will upload the assignment through the link at the bottom of this page. Worth up to 100 points, or one letter grade (10%) of your semester grade.

Details: Rule of Three Analytical format 3-4 pages (minimum of 5 paragraphs), double spaced, 12 pt type, 1 inch margins. Grammar, logic, and clarity count. Specific and detailed evidence required. Use of a minimum of four primary documents posted in the Blackboard materials or from the American Yawp are required

Please gather all primary and secondary sources from the yawp found here.


Note that you may (and should) use secondary source materials (the text, lectures, etc.) as well in this paper, but you must also incorporate primary source documents as part of your argument/evidence.

Essay Checklist

Be sure to:

Have a strong rule of three thesis statement

Use "Rule of Three" style

Use a minimum of 4 primary source documents as evidence

Properly cite using footnotes in Turabian/Chicago style

Write 3-4 pages


How did the Progressive era reformers respond to the excesses of rapid industrialization and urbanization? What key areas of reform did they address and were they successful?

Think broadly about the Progressive Era first - what are the key political, social, and economic trends/reforms? What documents have you read that address these issues? Who are the key reformers of the era?

You may wish to concept map or outline key issues first and then pull out your three strongest arguments to develop more fully in the essay.

Thank you for your help. This paper is due 11/11/18 by midnight

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How progressive era reformers responded to the excesses of rapid industrialization and urbanization
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Course No.
Date of submission
The Progressive Era
The progressive Era is a dispensation in which the United States underwent significant social-economic and political transformation. This Era was largely characterized by pervasive social activism, economic advocacy and political activism that took place between 1890s and 1920s. The primary focus of the movement was social, economic and political liberation from the many ills that bedeviled the industrial workers and the society such as rampant corruption, urbanization and massive industrialization. Subsequently, the progressive era reformers responded to the excesses of rapid industrialization and urbanization by advocating for major social, economic and political reforms.
The progressive era reformers responded to the excesses of rapid industrialization and urbanization through social activism that pushed for social reforms. The rapid industrialization that characterized this period led to widespread social ills that exposed the minority groups such as women and immigrants to social injustice. Still, the rapid industrialization and urbanization brought about social exclusion which prompted widespread social activism that birthed social reform movements (Dawley, 1991). These movements championed for various social courses such as improvement of living conditions in urban slums. Progressives pushed for constitutional reforms to give the federal government the mandate to take charge of the adverse effects of rapid industrialization and urbanization. Du Bois merged as one of the greatest progressive era social justice reformists who ardently advocated for the abolition of white supremacy. In this endeavor, he wrote books such as “The Souls of Black Folk” that highlighted the plight of African Americans. On the other hand, Booker T. Washington strongly pushed for equal rights to education, and strongly advocated for the education of African Americans.
The second way in which progressive era reformers responded to the excess of rapid industrialization and urbanization was by pushing for political reforms so that minority groups could also participate in suffrage. The first political reform that was pushed for was constitutional amendment since all other reforms needed to be anchored in the constitution. In fact, two of the most notable constitutional reforms of the progressive era were the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Amendments. The Eighteenth Amendment banned the production and sale of alcohol while the Nineteenth Amendment lifted the ban on women suffrage (Baker et al., 2018). Nevertheless, political reforms could have been impossible without the contribution of key progressive social reformers such as Stannard Baker, Jacob Riis and Sinclair. Stannard Baker is renowned for championing ethical governance as he exposed corporate capitalism and government corruption (Baker et al., 2018). On the other hand, Christian socio-economic reformers like Walter and Rauschenbusch Charles Sheldon advocated for Christian socialism. T...
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