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Personal Liberties Of American Citizens

Essay Instructions:

This is due 12/1 by midnight.

All information used to write this essay must be taken from http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/ online free textbook. Please read the directions for how to write a thesis statement below as this is a requirement for my paper to even receive a passing grade. Message me back for any questions. Thank you.

ALL SOURCES MUST BE USED FROM http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/ This online textbook has primary and secondary sources that are accessible to complete this essay. Please make sure every citation reflects the use of the http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/ textbook. Thank you.

Example of citation : Winthrop Jordan, White over Black: American Attitudes Toward the Negro, 1550–12 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1968), 7. Retrieved from http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/

This paper requires a thesis statement. This is just an example of a thesis statement. "To organize your argument you will need a Rule of Three Thesis Statement: Cheeseburgers are the best food for a meal since they lead restaurant sales, are popular with average Americans, and have wholesome ingredients." In this situation you would then write in the first paragraph the summary of the three points that support your argument of why cheeseburgers are the best food. The other three paragraphs would talk about each point in each paragraph. For example paragraph two would talk about how the leading restaurant sales are cheeseburgers and information about that and the next paragraph will talk about information about how popular they are with average Americans, etc. The fourth paragraph will talk about the conclusion of all three points you used to support your argument and then you must write the thesis statement again. Please put the thesis statement in BOLD when writing the paper so I am able to easily identify it and my professor. Now onto the actual assignment I just needed to make sure this was understood because this is a important concept and for some reason very difficult for previous writers to understand. Please reach out to me if any of this does not make sense.


This is an exercise in ethics and civics.

Prompt: In this discussion I want you to consider the following:

Espionage and Seditions Acts during WWI

Internment of Japanese-Americans during World War 2

McCarthyism and the Red Scare

Pentagon Papers

To what extent should the personal liberties of American citizens be curtailed in order to protect the nation as a whole? Do you agree with the national security arguments made for each of the above? What lessons were learned from the above and can you see the same arguments playing out today?

Remember that you should provide a clear thesis to your answer and include specific historical details in support of your argument. Don't forget to utilize evidence from primary source documents!

NOTE: You must provide specific and detailed historical evidence in your posts - cite as appropriate.


Use only the materials provided in the course module or your assigned textbooks. We have vetted all materials in this course and other materials may or may not be appropriate for college level work. I will downgrade anyone who uses outside materials.

Remember what you have learned about thesis statements and evidence in the Historical Methods Portfolio. Your post should have a thesis statement and it should have both primary and secondary source evidence in support of the thesis

Don't quote secondary sources. Paraphrase in your own words and then cite instead.

You must properly cite using the Turabian/Chicago style that you can find under "Writing Help" in the course menu to your left.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Personal Liberties of American Citizens
The personal liberties of the Americans are an important part of their lives. They determine the effectiveness with which the Americans carry out their daily activities. However, personal liberties need to be curtailed at a huge extent because some of them act as a threat to national security and the arguments made for them are still playing in today's world.
The personal liberties need to be curtailed to ensure that the freedom that people has does not go to the extent of carrying out activities that cause security threats. People should be allowed to exercise their freedom, but some regulations would be important in order to ensure that freedom does not cost the wellbeing of other people. However, the regulations should be minimal because interfering with other people's freedom could result in chaos and riots within the country.[A. L. Kroeber, ed., University of California Publications: American Archaeology and Ethnology, Vol. 10 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1911–1914), 191–192.retrieved from /]
I agree with the national security argument made in regard to curtaili...
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