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Civil Engagement And Ethical Considerations. History Essay

Essay Instructions:

PLEASE SEND A DRAFT BEFORE IT"S COMPLETED:Note 1: Successful responses will consider a broad range of evidence in support of arguments. Take a few moments to consider how you would respond by making a list of both "ethics" and "civics" related to the colonists and their grievances. Be sure to have a mixture of big/broad ideas and specific/detailed evidence in your argument.

Must be in Rule of Three format with a introduction and strong thesis statement, 3 paragraphs of the body (each with their own thesis statement - one for each of the three key points of your overall thesis), and conclusion. So a minimum of 5 paragraphs.

This is a fact based essay, you must provide specific and detailed evidence for your hypotheses.

You must utilize a minimum of three primary sources from the assigned materials (primary sources posted in the Blackboard course module OR found under the primary source section of each chapter in American Yawp only; you may not utilize sources linked to in the reference section of American Yawp) as evidence in your essay

You must utilize a minimum of three secondary sources from the assigned materials as evidence in your essay

You may only use materials assigned in this course for your essay (we have vetted all the materials utilized in this course, other materials may not be appropriate or accurate). If you use outside sources your grade will be docked.

DO NOT QUOTE sources, paraphrase in your own words and cite

You must consider ethics/ethical decision making in this essay

Don't forget about historical geography, where something takes place matters and it may be important to your argument.

You must use Turabian citation style in this essay; all citations must be footnote style citations (no parenthetical cites allowed, no endnotes/works cited at the end, you need footnotes). Be sure to review how to properly cite a primary source that may be contained in another work and be sure to use page numbers where possible.

12 pt type, 1 inch margins, double-spaced-write a full length, rule of three, historical essay on



Essay Sample Content Preview:

Civic engagement and ethical considerations to redress of grievances among colonists
The Patriots sought to ensure that the US was fully independent from the British Empire and this included eliminating the power structure that the colonists and Loyalists relied upon to undermine American sovereignty. Colonial grievances against the British Empire were growing and civic virtues became an important concept to rally patriots against the British tyranny was necessary to improve the lives of all Americans. Colonists sought to be treated as equal to the British they organized resistance against exploitation and supported civic virtues.
The colonists were keen to be treated as equals by the British and end unfair taxation, and this is especially for the Patriots Colonists argued that they were only to be taxed just like the native British and taxed by their elected representatives. As the US was subject to the British crown many decisions made failed to consider the rights of Americans. Later on the Declaration of Independence emphasized that all men “all men are created equal”. While there was contention on what constituted the men it was a departure from the British system that favored aristocracy. The colonists also blamed the British for failure to end the slave trade and supporting abolition. Since colonists argued that they were like the British subjects, they debated how best to protect Americans against exploitation by the British.[The American Yawp . “5. The American Revolution” /text/05-the-american-revolution/] [Declaration of Independence, 1776. /reader/the-american-revolution/declaration-of-independence-1776/]
There was organized resistance against the British with democracy all...
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