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The Paper Must use the Rule of Three: American Citizenship

Essay Instructions:

Paper is due 12/7 at midnight. All sources must be taken from http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/ all sources must include http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/ in the citation for example a proper source would be as follows.

Leon Fink, Workingmen’s Democracy: The Knights of Labor and American Politics (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1983). Retrieved from http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/

The paper must use the Rule of Three

You will need to use an analytical writing style in this class. The basic form of analytical writing utilizes the "Rule of Three." Simply, there should be at least three key points/pieces of evidence in a piece of writing introduced by a strong clear thesis.

Essays in this course are 2-3 pages in length. Your paper should begin with an Introduction which sets the prompt in the historical context, the LAST sentence of the intro paragraph is the thesis statement which lists the (minimum of) three points (X,Y,Z) that will be more fully developed in the paper. The first paragraph of the body (paragraph 2) would discuss key point X (this paragraph would have its own thesis as the first sentence, followed by a minimum of three pieces of evidence/analysis in support), then a paragraph on Y, and finally one on Z. An essay ends with a conclusion paragraph - which sums up the argument you made and ties X, Y, and Z together. The conclusion is NOT the place to introduce new arguments or evidence.

An example of the thesis statement that is required for the paper is follows: Cheeseburgers are the best food for a meal since they lead restaurant sales, are popular with average Americans, and have wholesome ingredients.


In this assignment you will use primary documents, in addition to other course materials, in an analytical argument. You will upload the assignment through the link at the bottom of this page. Worth up to 100 points, or one letter grade (10%) of your semester grade.

Details: Rule of Three Analytical format 3-4 pages (minimum of 5 paragraphs), double spaced, 12 pt type, 1 inch margins. Grammar, logic, and clarity count. Specific and detailed evidence required. Use of a minimum of four primary documents posted in the Blackboard materials or from the American Yawp are required

Note that you may (and should) use secondary source materials (the text, lectures, etc.) as well in this paper, but you must also incorporate primary source documents as part of your argument/evidence.

This is an individual assignment - do not work on it with others

Essay Checklist

Be sure to:

Have a strong rule of three thesis statement

Use "Rule of Three" style

Use a minimum of 4 primary source documents as evidence

Have evidence/analysis from 1865-1900, 1900-1950, 1950-present time periods

Discuss more than one ethnic group in your analysis

Properly cite using footnotes in Turabian/Chicago style

Write 3-4 pages

Assignment Prompt

From 1865-present, the conception of who is an American deserving of the full rights of citizenship has changed over time. In this essay, we want you to consider historical context, causality, and change over time when describing this expansion of who is or is not an American.

Think broadly about what it means to be American first, then think on groups pressing their case for inclusion, while considering issues of ethics and civics. You must include social/cultural/socio-economic analysis in this essay. You may include political (but not required). What primary documents have you read that address these issues? Don't forget the key individuals and events to use as evidence.

You may wish to concept map or outline key issues first and then pull out your three strongest arguments to develop more fully in the essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
American Citizenship
Students name
In the year 1800, America was experiencing a high number of immigrants. As a result, legislations such as the Chinese Exclusion Act were set to control the number of immigrants that were coming into the country. Also, in 1994, a law was passed which allowed the foreign children who had come to America before reaching the age of 18years and lived there for a minimum of five years to apply for the US citizenship. Therefore, this also led to the development of laws detailed what a person required for them to be regarded as an American citizen. Such laws have been changing over the years with new regulations being put in place to ensure that there is a control in the manner in which an individual can become an American citizen. Various groups in the society have different perspectives of what it takes for an individual to be considered an American citizen. Some people believe that American citizenship is acquired automatically by birth, others believe that it is through the proper registration process while others believe that it is through naturalization.[Bill Minutaglio, First Son: George W. Bush and the Bush Family Dynasty (New York: Random House, 1999), 210–224. Retrieved from ]
Besides, American citizenship can also be acquired by birth. This has been a way of acquiring the US citizenship for a very long period in the history of US. However, this law has some exceptions and, therefore, any child born in the united states of America does not automatically become a citizen of America. For example, children whose parents are diplomats do not become American citizens based on the jurisdiction governing citizenship. As well, children who were born before November 14th, 1986 whereby only one of the parents was a citizen of the United States of America at the time of birth does not automatically become a citizen of America. In addition, among the situations whereby a child becomes an American Citizen by birth is a case whereby both parents were citizens of the US at the time of birth. Most of the native Americans acquire their citizenship in this way because they have been living and gotten married in America.[Robert M. Collins, Transforming America: Politics and Culture During the Reagan Years (New York: Columbia University Press, 2009), 171, 172. Retrieved from ]
Therefore, to acquire the American citizenship, it is important for the various groups of individuals in the society to understand the all the requirements needed for registration as well as the necessary forms that they have to fill. Most non-Americans find themselves in a case whereby they have to be deported because they have not complied with the various requirements ...
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