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American New Deal, Stock Market, Rising Unemployment

Essay Instructions:

The argument is due 11/17 at midnight.

I would first want to address what is required for this paper that is not in the directions. I must have a thesis statement at the end of the first paragraph an example of this thesis statement is this: "Cheeseburgers are the best food for a meal since they lead restaurant sales, are popular with average Americans, and have wholesome ingredients." Three points supporting your argument. One introduction paragraph and three paragraphs talking about each point you listed in your thesis statement and one conclusion summing up the three paragraphs and must include the thesis statement.

Please use http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/ as the ONLY source for my two sources I need. If you want to use more you can use more, but at least one primary and one secondary source from http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/ ONLY!

Please include http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/ in the citation so this is a known fact that it is from this source. http://www(dot)americanyawp(dot)com/text/22-the-twenties/ Chapter 22 the link to the left should help you with this specific prompt.

You must cite your primary and secondary sources in this course.

1. Use FOOTNOTES (not Works Cited or Bibliography at end of assignment). Footnotes MUST provide page numbers, where applicable (you cannot cite your entire textbook, for example). For the American Yawp textbook, you must give the chapter and section number when citing.

2. If you are citing a primary source document, you MUST provide the author information for that document.

3. You MUST use Turabian (Chicago) citation style.

4. Parenthetical citations ARE NOT permitted


This is an exercise in ethics and civics.

Prompt: The 1920s were a boom period economically, but the era ended in the greatest economic bust in American history. Who/what do you think was most responsible for this bust? Why? How did the New Deal address the causes of the bust? Place your answer into the historical contexts a provide specific and detailed historical facts as evidence.

NOTE: You must provide specific and detailed historical evidence in your posts - cite as appropriate.


Click on your Learning Community in the course menu to your left and access your group discussion board.

You must make an initial post, according to the instructions below, before you will see other students' posts.

For your initial post, you must start a new discussion thread to respond to the prompt above. The subject line of the thread should be your last name.

After posting initially, check out what others have written and thoughtfully and substantively reply to at least THREE other participants.

Note - While you only need to reply to THREE people, you are strongly encouraged to participate more by replying to several people. Not only will this help deepen your thoughts on this week's materials, it will also increase your chances of getting full credit on at least three comments/replies.


Use only the materials provided in the course module or your assigned textbooks. We have vetted all materials in this course and other materials may or may not be appropriate for college level work. I will downgrade anyone who uses outside materials.

Remember what you have learned about thesis statements and evidence in the Historical Methods Portfolio. Your post should have a thesis statement and it should have both primary and secondary source evidence in support of the thesis

Don't quote secondary sources. Paraphrase in your own words and then cite instead.

You must properly cite using the Turabian/Chicago style that you can find under "Writing Help" in the course menu to your left.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
New Deal Name Institution Date         In 1929   the US stock market crashed and there was rising unemployment from then on, but Herbert Hoover did not favor large scale government intervention at a time when the country went  through the  Great Repossession. In 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president and supported the New Deal where there was increased government spending to aid farmers, small homeowners and various industries. FDR created the Civil Works Administration (CWA) and the Works Progress Administration (WPA) were put in place to ease unemployment as people were employed at the local level depending on projects available. The New Deal fail to end the Great Depression,   where both Hoover’s and Roosevelt’s policies deepened the Depression, but creating new programs brought relief  to many Americans while restoring  public confidence in the government.  Hoover sought less government intervention and he cut taxes to improve the economy, but this failed to reduce the government deficit and was worsened by rising cost of imports. The Hawley-Smoot Act 1930, imposed taxes on imports of manufactured goods, but failed to improve industrial reduction substantially. Furthermore, other countries retaliated and exports fell, furthermore, additional taxes to improve the budget failed and even more businesses went bankrupt. This was worsened by rising unemployment for farmers, workers and small businesses.           The social security and reforms were created to support workers and offer relief at a time when unemployment was rising. For instance, the Social Security Act (1935), provided for relief from unemployment, old-age and disability insurance. The Fair Labor Standards  Act (1938  established  the maximum of normal  working hours work per week, and set a minimum wage per hour.  The Labor Relations Act (or Wagner Law), transformed the US industrial scene as it allowed collective bargaining and supported protection of the rights of employees and employers. The reforms established under FDR on Social Security influence po...
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