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Elder Justice from Department of Aging at Health and Human Services

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, you need to write 11 separate reflections in similar format. each around 400 words, single spaced. (basically same essay with different chosen topics for 11 weeks) Reference is needed but no required format. No title is needed. you can put all reflections in one files, just make sure to separate them.
for each essay you need to choose one or two material(if you choose two they need to be in the same category)
i have attached the detailed requirements of the assignment and all the materials you will need.
Here is some information you may need:
I'm a female, Asian international student studying social work(master of social work) in New York city. My method area is policy practice(social work policies). The place I've worked with is Shanghai Mental health hospital. I have no preferred work place in the future(so you can write whatever). let me know if you have anymore question or need more information

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reflections for a Social Work Class
Week 1: Elder Justice from Department of Aging at Health and Human Services
I selected the elder justice topic because the elderly face more challenges compared to other members of the population, and as a result, their affairs ought to be taken more seriously. It is common knowledge that the elderly are more susceptible to health challenges such as chronic conditions, mental health problems, and physical injury. Furthermore, as pointed out in the material, millions of the elderly in America go through discrimination, neglect, exploitation, and abuse (HHS.gov, 2019). Therefore, I believe that understanding the challenges the elderly go through and how to solve them is important, especially because their population is rising. 
The materials shared by the Department of Aging at Health and Human Services have helped me understand to a great extent the problems experienced by the aged and how to participate in addressing them. Not only does the site provide FAQs about elder abuse, but it also has many educational materials aimed towards the stop and prevention abuse of the elderly (HHS.gov, 2019). For example, the website has links to other websites providing resources that can help advance justice for the elderly. I have worked with the elderly in the past, and I understand they can be victims of financial fraud and exploitation. I have learned how to stop fraud, such as Medicare fraud, and I will pass this knowledge whenever necessary to clients I will work with in the future. 
I look forward to working as a mental health social worker in the future, and I am confident that some of the patients I will be helping will be the elderly. In this regard, with knowledge about the abuse they go through, which may contribute to their mental health challenges, I will be well-positioned to help them navigate the problems. Given that my method area is policy practice, I will contribute to developing relevant policies to address the abuse experienced by the elderly. For example, I can foster a policy to help the elderly report better the abuses they experience to facilitate bringing to justice the responsible culprits. 
The information I have learned from the materials will be useful in addressing issues of discrimination, diversity, and marginalization, particularly as they relate to the elderly. I will be addressing mental health problems with the knowledge that the elderly are more susceptible to fraud, and I ought to be in a position to understand them if they bring up related issues. 
HHS.gov. (2019). Elder Justice. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: /aging/elder-justice/index.html
Week 2: National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
I picked LGBT aging because I understand that the world and America, in particular, are changing towards accommodating group members. Given that the elderly experience many challenges, I felt that those belonging to the LGBT community have it worse, and understanding their challenges and how to solve them is key to making this world a little better. Therefore, I picked the topic because I needed to understand the problems facing the elderly from the LGBT community and possibly contemplate if I can help them in the future. By understanding their challenges, I can contribute to building a world that is more accommodating of not only the aging LGBT members but also those from different population groups. 
The materials significantly enhanced my knowledge of the discrimination LGBT members have gone through. One key article from the website describes how members of the LGBT community are discriminated against in the workplace through dismissal, demotion, promotion denial, and offensive jokes (Outreach Team at Employment Law Help, 2021). From the article, I got to understand workplace challenges specific to LGBT members and the process of how to file a claim. With this knowledge, I will recognize when discrimination occurs in the workplace in the future and consequently offer relevant advice to victims. 
Information learned from the materials on the topic applies to my future work as a mental health social worker in relation to policy advocacy. From the website, I have learned how Two-Sprit people from the American Natives/First Nations communities have experienced historical trauma that impacts their health outcomes (National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative, 2021). Understanding the discrimination these communities have gone through, I can advocate for policy programs to address the historical trauma whose effects are still prevalent. 
The information I have learned from the materials has elevated my understanding of LGBT members' issues, particularly those from minority groups. In this sense, I would engage with LGBT members, the elderly, and those from native groups, understanding that diverse social groups have experienced discrimination differently. I will be able to consider the cultural and historical experiences of LBGT members, and I am confident that this will help me serve and advocate for their issues in a better way. 
National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative. (2021, November). A Spotlight on Two Spirit Elders and Elder Justice Facts. Retrieved from LGBT Aging Center: /resources/resource.cfm?r=1081
Outreach Team at Employment Law Help. (2021, November). Steps LGBTQ+ Workers Can Take If They're Experiencing Discrimination in the Workplace. Retrieved from LGBT Aging Center: /resources/resource.cfm?r=1082
Week 3: SAMHSA: Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center
The materials on the SAMHSA website mainly cover substance abuse and mental health. I selected the substance abuse and mental health topic because my past career is tied to mental health and because I see myself working as a mental health social worker in the future. I also understand that substance abuse and mental health problems are key health challenges, particularly in today's era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Information about mental health and substance abuse challenges is instrumental in understanding those around me during this period of the pandemic and navigating my career in the future as a social worker. 
The materials provided on the website are quite extensive and have to a great extend, enhanced my understanding of substance abuse and mental health and their effects on different populations. Having worked in Shanghai Mental Health Hospital in the past, I have interacted with many people experiencing mental health problems and those who are victims of substance abuse. SAMHSA guides treating two substance combinations (SAMHSA, 2021). With the knowledge gained from guidance, I understand how to treat two substance combinations, for example, dependence on cocaine and alcohol and dependence on opioids and cocaine. Therefore, in the future, when I work with people with two-substance combinations, I may use FDA-approved pharmacotherapy with counseling to help them. 
The information gained from the materials will be extremely useful to my work primarily because I am looking forward to working with mental health patients and individuals trying to quit substance abuse. As a mental health social worker, I am bound to interact with many clients experiencing mental health problems and substance addiction. In this regard, with the information I have learned, I will be able to design evidence-based interventions to treat the conditions of my clients. For example, I may design a pharmacotherapy and counseling intervention if I have a client with cocaine and opioid dependence and alcohol and cocaine dependence. 
The information from the website is relevant to many groups, including the youth, students, and the elderly. From the materials, I have understood the different challenges common in certain population groups. For example, I have learned that marijuana use is highest among the youth and the American Indians/Alaska Natives (SAMHSA, 2021). With this understanding of how diversity plays out in marijuana use, I can better approach the interventions to different population groups. 
SAMHSA. (2021). Treating Concurrent Substance Use Among . Retrieved from https://store.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/SAMHSA_Digital_Download/PEP21-06-02-002.pdf
Week 4: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
The materials provided by U.K.'s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence primarily focus on evidence-based guidance on health matters. I selected evidence-based implementation as a topic because I believe in its efficacy in helping attain important health outcomes. Many studies have been done in many health domains, and I believe that by examining literature, one can devise methods to address healthcare problems based on the strengths of the available evidence. Given that many research studies are scientific, their findings can promote desired health outcomes. Therefore, I selected the topic and the website because of its focus on evidence-based recommendations.
The materials from the website have enhanced my understanding of the significance of evidence-based studies in improving healthcare decisions, particularly in today's technology-advanced healthcare environment. Not only do the materials provide the trends that are bound to impact healthcare in the next five years, but they also provide recommendations on various health areas such as lifestyle and wellbeing, conditions and diseases, health and social care delivery, and health protection (NICE, n.d.). With the knowledge I have gained from the materials, such as using Nalmefene to reduce alcohol consumption, I am in an improved position to use evidence-based treatment for my future clients who will have alcohol dependence. 
The information I learned from the materials will be significant in my social work and advocacy for social policy. For example, NICE's forecast trend from 2021 to 2026 is an increased focus on addressing inequalities (NICE, 2021). In this regard, I can advocate for policies that target health conditions or populations that depict the widest variations in health outcomes. For instance, if a particular ethnic group is experiencing mental health problems at a higher rate compared to other groups, I can foster policy recommendations that focus on the ethnic group. 
The information I have gathered from the topic will be useful in addressing issues such as discrimination. With the understanding that the focus in the next few years will be on addressing inequalities, I can collaborate with key stakeholders in the healthcare arena and develop evidence-based solutions to advance equality. The information gained has advanced my understanding of inequalities, particularly in the healthcare domain. Therefore, as a social worker, I will focus on addressing inequalities present in healthcare today. 
NICE. (2021). NICE strategy 2021-2026. Retrieved from https://static.nice.org.uk/NICE%20strategy%202021%20to%202026%20-%20Dynamic,%20Collaborative,%20Excellent.pdf
NICE. (n.d.). Guidance. Retrieved from /
Week 5: Anxiety and Depression Association of America
I selected the anxiety and depression topic because I have experienced anxiety in the past, and as a result, any information that is likely to increase my understanding of the issue is valuable. The materials on the website and the many podcasts that I could not exhaust were quite valuable in equipping me with relevant information about the condition. In addition, with the COVID-19 pandemic that has disrupted our normal ways of living, anxiety, and depression have become common phenomena. In this regard, if I get to learn more about the condition, I am poised to help the people around me and those I will be working with in the future. 
The ADDA website contains numerous materials that have elevated my understanding of anxiety and depression. The materials cover symptoms, treatment, myths and realities, and coping strategies of anxiety and depression. In regards to symptoms, I have learned from the materials on the website that gastrointestinal (G.I.) problems could be a symptom of a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) [ADAA, n.d.]. While I am familiar with other symptoms of the condition, the materials on the website helped me understand an additional one. I have learned many tips on managing anxiety and depression, which will help my clients cope with the condition in the future. I look forward to working with individuals experiencing anxiety and depression in the future, and the website has imparted my knowledge that will help me do so. 
I am looking forward to becoming a mental health social worker, which means that some of my clients will be experiencing anxiety and depression. The information I have learned about the symptoms, treatment, coping strategies, and myths and realities associated with anxiety and depression will be instrumental in helping deliver effective interventions to clients. For example, suppose a client has symptoms such as nervousness and irritability, hyperventilation, the feeling of weakness, difficulty in concentrating, insomnia, or G.I. problems. In that case, I will be able to tell that the condition is GAD and consequently offer the best intervention. 
The materials on the website will enhance my application of issues related to diversity and the discrimination that some members of society experience. One of the materials on the websites describes how African Americans are impacted more by anxiety, particularly women belonging to the group (ADAA, 2018). With such knowledge, I am more familiar with how diversity and race are associated with anxiety and how they may impact my work in the future. 
ADAA. (2018, January 31). A Look At How Anxiety Affects African-Americans - Article. Retrieved from https://adaa.org/news/look-how-anxiety-affects-african-americans-article
ADAA. (n.d.). Symptoms: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Retrieved from https://adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/generalized-anxiety-disorder-gad/symptoms
Week 6: National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention
I chose suicide prevention because I believe every person can find meaning in life and avoid ending their life. I have worked in a mental health hospital, and I have helped several people address suicidal thoughts and find meaning in life. Therefore, I found the topic quite meaningful because I have dealt with suicidal people, and in the future, I am bound to continue helping them find meaning in life. By reading more resources on suicide prevention and listening to stories of different survivors, I will increase my knowledge on the topic and help as many people as possible through therapy and just being there for them. 
The materials have significantly enhanced my understanding of what needs to be done to help suicidal individuals. From the experiences of suicide attempt survivors as depicted in the video, I have und...
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