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Critical Threats to the Global Environment

Essay Instructions:

Week 10 Assignment - Critical Threats to the Global Environment
The United Nations has continued to retain you as a consultant for a project that deals with climate and the environment. Most developed countries see the dangers of releasing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and are committed to climate policies that attain a carbon-free future in the next 30 years. They already see the damaging effects that this gas alone is having on the living conditions of crops, wildlife, and humans. As a result, many member states are dissatisfied with the progress of the eight Millennium Development Goals for international development that they established in 2000. The member states see a substantial disconnect between several issues that developed and developing countries believe are priorities. For example, Burundi wants one of the goals to focus on food security, while Austria is adamant that a major global issue should be the negotiation of ceasefires in countries in the midst of civil wars. The UN wants you to work from the list below and prioritize two of the global community’s threats that it deems the most serious to environmental stability.
Step 1
Select two threats. Listed below are eight issues that the UN feels pose the most significant threats to global security. Some of these apply to the Earth’s 7.7 billion people, while others are limited primarily to developing countries. Regardless of where these threats are concentrated, your job as a consultant is to identify two of them that you consider the most critical to the globe’s population.
Issue Options
The use of fossil fuels as an energy source.
Insufficient educational opportunities in developing countries.
A lack of access to technology.
Civil war (NOT the U.S. Civil War).
The rise in oceans’ levels.
Covid-19 and the global pandemic.
The dangers of poor countries remaining poor.
Step 2
Write a minimum of an 8 page persuasive paper about your two threats.
Write an introduction paragraph of at least one-half page in length identifying the two threats you have selected and the purpose of the paper. Then, for the two threats you chose:
Identify the factors that make it such a serious risk to the global environment that you would choose to present it to the UN.
Analyze the role that humans have played in aggravating this threat to the Earth’s environment.
Suggest initiatives that the global community can take to mitigate the worst effects of this environmental threat.
Write a conclusion paragraph of at least one-half page in length that summarizes your impressions of these risks for global stability.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). For assistance and information, please refer to the SWS link in the left-hand menu of your course and check with your professor for any additional instructions.
In order to earn full credit, the answers to each of the three questions must be at least two full pages long, making six pages. You must also include the one-half page introduction and one-half page conclusion at the beginning and end of the paper, adding up to one page of content. Finally, you must include a graph or table (see 5, below) that will be at least one page in length. The entire paper will be a minimum of eight pages long.
You must use at least seven credible sources (excluding Wikipedia, dictionaries and encyclopedias) that are appropriate for the subjects under discussion.
You must use only double-spacing and not place extra spacing between paragraphs or section headings.
As part of your answer to any one of the questions, you must include a graph, table or chart using quantifiable data that supports your argument. You need only one graph for the entire assignment, and although you may download this item from the Internet, it may be no longer than one page in length. You must comprehensively explain beneath the graph what the data means. Otherwise, it will be of no use to the reader.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Threats to Global Environment
Course code:
Threats to Global Environment
The term globalization has been termed as a process that is beneficial key to future world economic development. However, this view has disintegrated into smaller discussions for and against globalization over the years. For some, globalization has accelerated inequality between nations, created the destruction of climate change, and threatened living standards. Globalization has offered numerous opportunities for worldwide development and more integration into the global economy. These arguments show that society is at an impasse on judging
The main argument for globalization is that countries can develop themselves and scale their economies. However, it is visible that some countries have unmatched advantages that aid them in exploiting opportunities brought forth by globalization. Consequently, the gap between countries is widening, with developed countries becoming richer while developing countries are likely to remain or become poorer. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerability of developing countries. Health systems in these countries struggled to keep up with the rising healthcare demand. Cooperation to help the countries in 2020 is imperative moral, and in the world’s interest (PANGESTU, 1).
Thanks to social media, political pragmatism has been on the rise in modern societies. This refers to politics that show a willingness to achieve a specific goal but does not explicitly say what the plan is. Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau has recently come under fire for his decisions regarding climate change. In his first term in office, he gained popularity and support due to his gender-balanced cabinet, welcoming refugees, and effective economic policies. He was the embodiment of a politician for the new generation determined to take climate change and the Paris new deal seriously.
Canada has built its image as a front leader in the fight against climate change; however, it is home to the world’s third-largest oil reserves. Commonly known as tar sand, this oil is often dirty and mixed with sand; refining it causes massive pollution. Also, oil transportation is a big issue because the country heavily relies on pipelines. The trans mountain pipeline expansion project was proposed in 2018, sparking a nationwide controversy. The channel was also to infringe on areas occupied by the indigenous people in Canada. To Justin Trudeau, the pipeline expansion was a strategic resource to Canada’s economic growth. However, to indigenous people, climate change lobbyists, and the world, this was another instance of profits prioritization. This is a persuasive paper that will analyze two topics that pose a threat to the globe’s population based on the events of past decades. It will focus on globalization and its impact on the global economy and climate change. It will also attempt to answer the question; what is lost for globalization to succeed?
Why are they a severe risk?
There is increasing evidence that globalization is its biggest enemy due to tendencies that become oppressive. Economic instability is one of the consequences of globalization. On a more significant scale, wealth distribution is at an all-time low. Today, a report by Oxfam shows that 2,153 billionaires are wealthier than the 4.6 billion people, which is approximately 60% of the population. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic showed why this gap is bound to get more prominent in the coming years. At the height of the pandemic, the billionaires had increased to 2,365 and managed to boost their wealth by $4 trillion. Between March 18, 2020, and March 18, 2021, the world’s billionaires’ wealth rose from $8.04 trillion to $12.39 trillion (PICCHI, 2). Therefore, this increases the idea that other people will have to lose for wealth to be generated.
The dangers of poor countries remaining poor
Modern economic models are built on the concept of aggregate supply and demand. The economic growth volume will depend on increased exports and increased investments from foreign entities. This model has proven successful for nations such as China and Singapore, but the execution is not as effective for other countries. Government policies can lead to economic failure and stagnation, as witnessed in Latin America and Africa in the 1980s. These two regions are well known for being blessed with natural resources; therefore, they present an interesting case on the positive and negative effects on development—availability of minerals, good climate, and fertile soil present opportunities to grow.
Table 2.1 Total Land Area per Head of Population, 1900-1994 (hectares per capita)
The table above shows the comparative advantage of Latin America regarding natural resources. Minerals are resources that have also played a part in their economic development since the end of Colonial rule. Independence was seen as an excellent opportunity for Latin America to accelerate an already bubbling economy. However, at this point, European countries and the United States had already consolidated politically and formed more stable regimes throughout the early nineteenth century. Their capitalist economy model meant that they were the countries that received economic growth. On the other hand, Latin America’s growth was hit and miss. Countries with stable regimes like Brazil and Chile suffered less than unstable countries like Mexico, Venezuela, and Colombia (Hofman, 3). Chile’s mining sector expanded by increasing gold, silver, and copper imports. Exports have remained the primary strategy for such countries to grow economically. However, as seen in Africa and Latin America, benefiting from natural resources is mainly contingent on the stability of governments.[(Hofman, 3) Pg 10]
Unstable governance and corruption present the most significant issue to Latin America and Africa. Natural resources are often grabbed by politicians and experience decades of mismanagement. Also, as was the case with Apple, companies worldwide are eager to take the country’s resources for themselves without benefiting the local population. The technology company was named in a child labor and death lawsuit in Cobalt mining in Congo (Kelly, 4). Consequently, using recent history, some countries are on the verge of losing their one chance of economic growth, adding to the growing list of developing countries.
Role of humans in aggregating this threat to earth’s environment
Human beings will go to great lengths to achieve greatness or a sense of accomplishment. Inventions improve human life significantly; therefore, they are motivated to do it. In the stone age era, humans relied on innovations such s fire to survive. In modern society, innovations have branched out into entertainment, making tasks easier and saving lives. With the bulk of innovations being conducted daily, humanity is putting considerable pressure on human resources to sustain the fruits of globalization.
Greenhouse gasses have been the main drivers of climate change since the age of industrialization. The indu...
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