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Reflection Journal for a Social Work (Economic-Related) Class

Essay Instructions:

you will need to write 20 separate reflection journals about the course material. each around 150 words. it does not need to be exactly 150 words for each reflection, some could be longer and some could be shorter, depending on material.

I will upload the course materiel and detailed requirements of the reflection.

please let me know if you have more question.

to the writer:

Hi I just uploaded the course material

Critical reflection after a live session or assigned readings is an effective technique for learning.  For your reflection, you may want to consider an option below:• relate the economics content to your social work training or practice;• connect the course material to some deeper exploration by comparing with outside sources;• find ways to critique this new knowledge or ask different questions from the material; or,• evaluate how well you understand the concepts or how you might paraphrase them to teach a colleague.Submit your reflections (full paragraph, multiple sentences, about a half page) using the Participation Credits Forum after a live session or after your assigned reading, and you are welcome to resubmit for any given week to include extra submissions. See the rubric details below:• o 1 point: The submission consists of multiple sentences, from a brief paragraph to about a half page. The reflection is critical in the sense that you are not merely summarizing economic concepts but attempting to apply, process, clarify, or question the material. 1/2 point: Either the submission is too short, is not written clearly, or does not meet the standard for critical reflection as described. No points: The submission is unrelated to course content or does not meet the standards for written communication.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Course Code and Name
Reflection Journal for A Social Work (Economic-Related) Class
Journal 1
People from different parts of the world have escaped poverty amid increased global living standards. Such levels of poverty have been highly reduced through capitalism. The capitalist revolution brought about increased specialization, technological advancements, and increased production levels. It is also said that the capitalist movement played a major role in increasing the rate at which poverty levels were reducing across the globe. However, I believe that the increase in living standards was short-lived. Therefore, it should not be considered that capitalism was the main reason for decreasing global poverty.
A capitalist economy is one that focuses resources on the hands of rich people. It is an economy where the rich people continue becoming rich while the poor people continue being poor. It facilitates the unequal distribution of wealth. Therefore, it does not reduce the poverty levels within an economy but rather makes more people poor. If a nation seeks to reduce its poverty levels, the best solution is to eliminate the capitalist ideologies from the economy. Such would allow for the equal distribution of resources, thus making it easy for every person to invest or seek jobs that compensate them fairly.
Journal 2
People in some countries have advocated for democracy to ensure the equal distribution of resources. This supports the ideology that capitalism does not reduce poverty levels in a nation but rather increases poverty levels among a certain group in the country. If a country has a democratic political system, it will find it less challenging to deal with issues associated with capitalism (Haskel, Jonathan, and Stian). People would enjoy the equal distribution of wealth, thus reducing the poverty levels in the nation. When people experience an equal distribution of wealth, they have funds to invest, thus creating job opportunities. In turn, people would enjoy an increase in job opportunities, reducing the poverty levels in the country. If there is unequal wealth distribution, a substantial number of people would rarely have funds to invest in different ventures. This means job opportunities would only be available to a limited number of people.
Journal 3
Many people have a reputation for participating in interactions that only benefits them. However, these interactions do not always go as expected. In some cases, the interactions could result in both parties winning, while in other cases, it could result in both parties getting an outcome they never anticipated. Therefore, people need to consider all the factors involved in a particular situation before deciding the basis of social interaction. If such factors are considered, it would be challenging for the social interaction to go contrary to the plans of the involved parties. When a social interaction harm one of the parties, it can result in social unrest, thus making it challenging for the parties to trust one another. When people do not trust each other, social interactions would be negatively affected, affecting many sectors in a country, such as the economy.
Journal 4
People are faced with plenty of social dilemmas. An example of a social dilemma is environmental degradation or antibiotic misuse. These dilemmas occur when an individual does not consider the impacts of their actions on other people. Such can be compared to the factors that should be considered in any social interaction. In this case, if the impact of antibiotic misuse or environmental degradation is considered, people would act in a manner that does not endanger other people's lives. For instance, if an individual knows the negative impacts of polluting the environment, they would keep it clean at all costs. In such a case, social interaction would benefit the person supposed to pollute the environment and other people. It would be considered a positive outcome that does not yield results that harm any participants.
Journal 5
The formulation of public policies is one of the most challenging tasks to carry out. These policies are expected to be fair and facilitate the equal distribution of resources. Unfortunately, people have different definitions of what they consider fair and what they consider unjust. This makes it difficult to formulate and implement a public policy that would appear fair to all the involved parties. Therefore, policymakers need to identify the factors that create fairness among most people (Kamali, Yahya, Sedighe Sheikhzadeh Jooshani, and Farzane). In turn, such a policy would benefit a nation or target population because it ensures that the largest population considers the policy fair. However, if the largest part of the population considers such a policy to be unfair, it would be challenging to implement it because most people would reject the policy.
Journal 6
Economists and policymakers ought to understand the people's response towards policies to ensure that they make reliable policies. If the policy outcome is not desired, the policymakers and economists will spend more time creating other policies. Therefore, this team needs to learn more about the needs of the people. Such needs would guide them into making policies that are likely to get accepted by people, thus preventing the need to make alternative policies. Understanding people's responses about policies has been a major challenge because there is no policy that would please every party involved. The goal is to make policies that please the most people. I think it is challenging to understand people's responses to policies, and this should not be made the basis for making new policies.
Journal 7
It is the wish of every person to balance their work and wellbeing. Such balancing requires an individual to take some hours of rest from the work environment. However, the amount of money earned by an individual depends on the number of hours they spend working. Therefore, if individuals wish to earn more money, they have to work more hours. This means that the person might not have enough tin e to rest. In turn, they would feel fatigued, making it challenging to work the following day. Their productivity would be reduced, and this could cost them their job. Therefore, people ought to work enough hours to make substantial money and keep their sanity.
Journal 8
Economic models have been put forward to explain people's choices. One of the economic model points out that an individual is likely to choose the activity or thing that they prefer most. Therefore, such causes the variation in people's choices because an individual's preferred item might be the last in another person's list. Before an individual can decide on what they prefer in a group of options, they have to consider various factors. These factors are based on the benefit that the individual is likely to get from the choice. The choices with the most benefits and minimal disadvantages are considered ideal. The model can be applied in explaining the number of hours worked by people in different parts of the world. These hours vary according to the economic conditions of the country and an individual's preferences. For instance, if an individual is willing to work extra shifts, no other person can change their mind about such a decision.
Journal 9
Various institutions in countries play an important role in influencing the balance of power among people. Some institutions are high power, especially in the economic sector, to the extent that their decisions determine what needs to be done. These institutions have high bargaining power. I think, in the case of trade, the institutions with a high bargaining power tend to be more competitive than the institutions with low bargaining power. If an institution has low bargaining power, it will be challenging for it to make major decisions that can positively influence the economy. Such decisions are left in the arms of the institutions with more power in society. However, institutions are not the only determinants of economic outcomes.
Journal 10
People's preferences also play an important role in determining the economic outcome in a nation. People are the end consumers of goods and services. Therefore, if they choose to increase their demand levels, the economy would be more active. Such would stimulate economic growth as people invest in new ventures to meet the consumer's increased demands. If the consumer demand is low, the production levels and provision of services would also be limited. Such would result in a stagnant economy. Technology also plays an important role in determining economic outcomes. I think most of the current economic growth is currently caused by technology. Technology has made it more efficient to produce certain goods and offer certain services....
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