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Critical Threats to the Global Environment: The Use of Fossil Fuels and Poverty

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Select two threats. Listed below are eight issues that the UN feels pose the most significant threats to global security. some of these apply to the Earth's 7.7 billion people, while others are limited primarily to developing countries. Regardless of where these threats are concentrated, your job as a consultant is to identify two of them that you consider the most critical to the globe's population

Issue Options

1. The use of fossil fuels as an energy source

2. Globalization

3. Insufficient educational opportunities in developing countries

4. A lack of access to technology

5. Civil War (not the U.S. Civil War)

6. The rise in oceans' levels

7. Covid-19 and the global pandemic

8. The dangers of poor countries remaining poor

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Critical Threats to the Global Environment
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Critical Threats to the Global Environment
The growing concern on the global environment in the recent past cannot be understated. The continued climate change has made the world acknowledge and realize the threats environmental harms bring to humanity. The United Nations (UN) plays a crucial role in highlighting vital environmental risks to attract the world’s attention on environmental issues that should be taken seriously. The risks identified by the United Nations are related to the globe in general or some certain countries like the developing nations. In my opinion, the use of fossil fuel for energy and consistent poverty in developing nations are critical threats to the world’s population. The paper provides an in-depth analysis of the use of fossil fuels and poverty as threats to the global environment by illustrating why they pose a substantial danger, the role played by humans in their distress, and policy recommendations by the worldwide community to mitigate their risks.
The Use of Fossil Fuels as a Global Environmental Threat
Applying fossil fuel as an energy source poses a substantial threat to the global population. The extensive worldwide use of fossil fuels poses a significant danger to the worldwide population. Fossil fuel is used in multiple sectors across the world. For example, buildings across the globe consume around 40% of the entire energy in the world per year (1). A more significant percentage of the energy consumed by buildings originates from fossil fuels. Buildings require energy for various purposes such as lighting, cooling, air conditioning, to mention a few. The use of fossil fuels has resulted in the emission of gasses harmful to the environment, especially the greenhouse gases that result in global warming and respiratory problems. Approximately 70% of the world’s greenhouse gases come out as carbon dioxide mainly comes from fossil fuels (1). The threat of using fossil fuel in buildings resulted in innovative new heating and cooling technologies with few environmental hazards.
Additionally, the automobile sector uses fossil fuel that threatens the global environment. The number of automobiles has increased in the past few decades, and most automobiles depend on energy from fossil fuels. The automobile sector contributes to global environmental harm through fossil fuel burning systems that powers cars (2). Diesel is an example of a fossil fuel energy source in the automobile sector. People praise diesel engines for their durability, reliability, and effectiveness. However, they are among the environmental pollution contributors due to harmful gases such as nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons. The pollutants lead to global warming and threaten people’s health.
Various industrial operations also depend on fossil fuel energy. For instance, data collected in the United States from 2019 stipulates that the industry sector used almost 35% of the nation’s end-use consumption. Despite multiple energy sources, fossil fuel is the most frequently used energy source in the United States. Fossil fuel energy in the industrial sector has substantially increased from the 20th century (3). Many American companies purchase electricity from independent producers while others generate power from fuel or remnants from industrial activities. The industrial sector uses fossil fuels for warming and heat production in the industrial sector. Also, companies use fossil fuel to heat boilers to facilitate hot water or steam production in other crucial operations. The industrial use of fossil fuels proves that fossil fuels are widely used, hence posing an essential threat to the global environment.
Source: United States EIA (3).
The oversupply of fossil fuel is another factor that makes fossil fuel energy a significant threat. The world contains many sources of fossils fuel deposits. Some nations have massive fossil fuels, while others have meager reserves. Countries with huge fossil fuel reserves rely too much on fossil fuel energy as the primary energy source. On the flip side, there has been little or no rise in renewable energy as the primary source (4). The oversupply of fossil fuels in many nations has made it challenging to consider renewable energy sources. The factors have delayed the implementation of the Paris Agreement on global temperatures since countries rich in fossil fuel are not willing to sacrifice the benefits of the products.
The high stakes involved in the fossil fuel energy sector are a significant concern in fossil fuel as an energy source. Countries with many fossil fuel reserves cannot mitigate the reliance on fossil fuel since it is the central pillar of their economy. Despite the widespread knowledge of the dangers of fossil fuel, organizations and people directly involved in the sector have opposed guidelines that seek to minimize the industry (1). Fossil fuel is a significant threat to human health. For a decade, fossil fuel has been known for the emission of gases that jeopardizes individuals’ health. The by-products produced after burning fossil fuels have significant threats to children and the future. Children exposed to the products portray slowed behavioral development, cognitive impairment, and respiratory problems (5). Also, the high cost involved in the fossil fuel supply chain is another factor that proves fossil fuel is a critical threat. Fossil fuels are dangerous right from their source to the end-users point. For instance, extracting fossil fuel entails operations that can lead to air and water pollution, thus endangering the local communities. The transportation process poses risks through accidents such as explosions and spills, which pollute the environment. Fossil fuels are harmful at the end-user stage since they produce emissions that contribute to global warming. Also, the waste products are detrimental to the environment. For that reason, the use of fossil fuel is a crucial threat the world needs to address seriously to avoid additional damage.
Human Aggravation of the Fossil Fuel Threat
Humans have played a significant role in aggravating the risks brought by fossil fuels. From the various factors discussed above, the functions of humans are precise. For instance, people identified the negative impacts of fossil fuels many years ago, but they did not control the growing threat. Instead, the demand and use of fossil fuels have increased. People have contributed to the ever-increasing market through their different interests. For example, investors in the fossils fuel industry have accumulated substantial political power and promoted the industry’s growth despite the rising concerns. On the flip side, the number of people depending on fossil fuel as their primary energy source has grown. Also, multiple industries rely on fossil fuel for operation, such as the automobile industry, which has grown in size and production. The number of people owning cars increases every day, and most automobiles require fossil fuel for power. Many people choose to purchase cars relying on fossil fuel instead of using public transport to reduce emissions from fossils fuel. Individual interests have played a key role in worsening the fossil fuel threat.
Further, various human activities have contributed to the aggravation of fossils fuel use. For instanc...
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