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Developmental Milestones: Lexicon, Overextension, and Thematic Role

Essay Instructions:


Write answers to the questions in essay form.

Only Microsoft Word .docx file format.

The file name should be your last name and essay number.

Display your name and University netid above the text at the beginning of the essay.

Use double spacing, 12 pt. Times New Roman font with 1” margins all around.

Review Rubric to view details on how you will be graded.

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Essay 2 40 pts:

In this essay you will address how children learn the meanings of words. Your essay will be written in 4 paragraphs. Each paragraph will answer the questions and follow the directives listed below.

Paragraph 1

What is the average age at which toddlers speak their first true word? (2 pts)

How do toddlers’ first true words differ from prelinguistic babbling? (2 pts)

What does the term symbolic mean in relation to toddlers’ first true words? (2 pts)

What does the term arbitrary mean in relation to toddlers’ first true words? (2 pts)

Paragraph 2

What is the meaning of the term lexicon? (2 pts)

What are the 3 distinct pieces of information contained in the lexical entry of word in the toddler’s lexicon? (3 pts)

Paragraph 3

What is the meaning of the term overextension? (2 pts)

What are the 3 types of overextension? (Include in your answer examples of each) (3 pts)

What does the term underextension mean? (Include in your answer and example of underextension) (2 pts)

How do the phenomena of over- and underextension relate to the principles of extendibility and category scope and the mapping problem (4)

Paragraph 4

Define the term thematic role. (2 pts)

Name 5 thematic roles and given an example of each. (5 pts)

How do thematic roles distinguish between the meanings of the sentences Tamika flew a kite and the kite flew in the air? (2 pts)

According to the hypothesis of syntactic bootstrapping, how do thematic roles help toddlers understand the meaning of a verb? (2 pts)

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The typical average age range at which toddlers speak their first true word is between 18 to 24 months. Toddlers’ actual words are signaled by vocalization and gesture with deliberate attention instead of babbling, which involves repeating consonant-vowel pairs. Symbolic thinking refers to a toddler having the ability to think in terms of images and symbols symbolically. At the same time, arbitrary come about toddlers’ judgments without restrictions whereby they navigate random words.
Lexicon in toddlers refers to all the knowledge they possess from adults in their attempts to form a constructive word. It is visible through the ability of a toddler to create words. In a lexical entry, distinct pieces of information include semantic, phonological, syntactic, and pragmatic information. Learning the structure of a language entails stress and intonation, specif...
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