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Policy Change: Domestic Policies

Essay Instructions:

Introduction: This assignment builds off the Policy You Would Change activity you completed in Week 9.

Part 1: What is one domestic policy that you would change? Why?
Be sure to use your approved policy and sources identified in the Policy You Would Change activity you completed in Week 9.

Part 2: From the list of branches below, choose 2 and explain the procedures for changing or making a new policy for each of those two.
the legislative process
presidential executive action
administrative agency's regulations
legal system of the courts

Part 3: In what way can the public influence this proposed policy change?
Use evidence to support your argument including statistics and/or relevant facts from your sources
Note:This assignment requires the use of Strayer University Online Library to be sure your references meet academic standards. All sources should be cited using the Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) format.

The paper is a final reflection paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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March 14, 2022
The costs of energy usage by the state in the United States of America differ depending on the location and what kind of energy sources they have. According to an article made by Morton (2021), in the year 2019, the estimated average cost of a single household spent on electricity is $115.49, totaling 877 kilowatt-hours per month U.S. Energy Information Administration. Central heating, ventilation, and air conditioning are the most used system in a single household because of their geographical location to survive.
The use of nonrenewable energy might jeopardize the future of the people living in the country, especially in this day and age when the risks of global warming are significant. The government is constantly looking for methods to reduce the cost of power in their country since not only does it make ordinary people's lives easier, but it also creates a plethora of employment for its citizens. With these aims in mind, hunting for a more efficient energy source is essential.
Renewable energy sources follow learning curves or Wright's Law, which states that they become a constant proportion cheaper with every doubling of installed capacity. As a result, the growing use of clean energy has reduced the cost of electricity generated by new renewable power plants (Bhutada, 2021). Shifting to renewable energy is far better for the country's future.
To become law through the legislative process, this notion must first become a bill introduced by a member of Congress, either from the Senate or the House of Representatives. Introducing it to the House allows senators to consider and weigh the benefits of the written measure before it becomes law. A bill is referred to a committee as soon as it is introduced. Both the House and Senate have committees made up of members of Congress who are passionate about a variety of issues, such as health or foreign affairs. When a bill is sent to a committee, it is thoroughly scrutinized to evaluate its chances of passing by the entire Congress CITATION Nat \l 1033 (National Human Genome Research Institute, n.d.).
Following that, ...
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