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The MERM Program at Columbia University

Essay Instructions:


● Statement of Purpose (500–750 words)

Your purpose and interest in pursuing the M.S. in Enterprise Risk Management program, focusing on how it relates to your immediate and long-term professional plans, and your current role;

The areas you hope to explore in our curriculum;

What you will contribute to the program and student cohort;

How you expect to contribute to the field;

A brief discussion of a particular risk field or issue of interest to you;

● Please expand on why you are pursuing this program (250 words or less)

● What attracted you most to this program (250 words or less)?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The MERM Program at Columbia University
The quest for sustainable growth and development of business organizations is characterized by uncertainties arising from both the external and internal business environments. Business organizations face different risks in their daily entrepreneurial activities, including operational, financial, reputational, and strategic risks breeding equally diverse uncertainties to their growth and sustainability endeavors. For instance, the emergence of the Coronavirus pandemic in 2019 exposed business enterprises to unforeseen operational, financial, strategic, and reputational risks leading to negative implications across the outlined domains for business enterprises in the different global economic sectors. It is, therefore, imperative for such entities to develop and implement effective interventional measures for mitigating the diverse risks exposing business enterprises to the said uncertainties towards achieving the sustainable growth and development objective. The need for business enterprises to prepare for unforeseen developments or uncertainties and their negative implications on the organizations in today’s business environment inform my decision to pursue a Master of Science in Enterprise Risk Management (MERM) at Columbia University. I purpose to hone my skills in enterprise risk management by pursuing the MERM program at Columbia University, as it offers a holistic approach that is in tandem with my personal development goal of becoming a global expert in the field. The MERM program at Columbia University encompasses the quantification of all types of risks, including strategic, operational, financial, and insurance, which, coupled with the mentors’ input from the globally recognized ERM leaders, creates an excellent platform for attaining my personal development objective.
I strongly believe that the business management background further sets me up to understand the intricate details of utilizing the MERM program’s knowledge, skills, tools, and concepts in mitigating the diverse business enterprise risks. The acquired knowledge and skills will enhance my expertise as a venture capital analyst by forwarding reasonable suggestions to potential start-up companies towards ensuring their sustainable growth and development. The MERM program also provides an excellent platform for applying financial risk management skills as a financial planner and thus enhancing my competencies as a global enterprise risk manager. In essence, the Columbia University MERM program offers the core competencies for undertaking diverse enterprise risk management tasks across the diverse sectors of the global economy in readiness for the globalized labor market.
The MERM program at Columbia University provides a wide range of courses offering equally diverse learning objectives that will propel me to greater heights in enterprise risk management. Among the learning objectives embedded in the MERM program include designing and implementing customized ERM frameworks, understanding and satisfying ERM requirements, quantifying all types of risks, and applying a value-based ERM approach. Other learning objectives from the different courses characterizing the program include developing a clear definition of risk appetite, enhancing the strategic planning process, and balancing the acquired technical ERM skills with effective communication skills. Based on the outlined learning objectives, I hope to explore some of the areas in Columbia University’s MERM curriculum that would enhance my competencies as a global expert in enterprise risk management. Besides the five required core courses, I seek to explore the strategic risk management course to acquire the knowledge and skills required for mitigating the...
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