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Workplace Problems and Solutions

Essay Instructions:

Return to the idea of your future dream job and you have an amazing idea you would like to propose to your boss or the company.

Write a proposal using the following steps:

1. Define the workplace problem or issue you would like to change

2. Present a solution. The solution should answer the following questions

* define your end results

* define your criteria for success

* state your plan/approach

* outline your project schedule & budget

* tie all the concepts together

3. Edit/ Proof for clarity and understanding.

4. Go to whatever word processing software you use (Word, Office, Pages, Libre etc.) and find a Project Proposal Template to use.* 

5. Length 2-3 pages

6. Must need your own word

Essay Sample Content Preview:
I enjoy leading other team members and working together towards a project realization. My dream job would be a leadership position for projects. I love working with active team members, and ensuring their participation at large is well appreciated. Together as a team, we would achieve much within the stipulated timeline. Also, my dream job is inspired by being a positive person, and I believe this could influence my team members to work hard and remain positive towards project completion. Teamwork and efficient communication within a job setting makes everyone enjoy the process and become accountable. My proposal is the project management skills gap. It is a deficit between the project needs and the staff's capacity to realize the project's goals. This rough problem leads to reduced productivity, internal conflict, and missed deadlines. In addition, I will provide the solution to project management gap skills.
Project management skills gaps are due to the following reasons;
Increase in demand
Workplace growth is changing daily, and project managers need to be well equipped on how to handle the growth. The growth ranges from the staff to the budget of the organizational goals. Due to this, the workforce is facing more significant uncertainties in delivering results. According to Project Management Institute’s 2017 report, the talent gap and job growth is a problem that is widespread throughout the world. During the hiring process, the human resources qualify the employees based on their current skills; however, the gap is realized in the future. There is a gap between what employees can offer and what project managers want for a project.
Improper planning
Projects are at risk without proper planning. As a project coordinator, I must identify and share the required skills with my project manager for approval. The employee skills are essential and vary as per projects. I need to identify the staff capacity and determine what is required before the actualization of the project.
Inadequate resources
Most organizations lack the flexibility required to handle various projects. This is a critical area that can delay the project. I must share my budget and all the necessary resources, such as timelines, skills, departments involved, and technology.
Results are crucial as they create deliverables for meeting the goal and purpose. This prop...
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