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Investing in Your Team and General Manager Recommendation

Essay Instructions:


In this course, you are learning Coach Gibbs's strategies for motivating teams. You will apply that knowledge in this week's assignment by putting together the first part of a Motivational Game Plan. You will return to the Motivational Game Plan in each course assignment, adding additional components based on your new skills and knowledge. This week's assignment focuses on investing in your team.


Company Profile

Hometown Cars is a small, full-service car dealership. They offer new car sales, used car sales, and a parts and service department. Recently, the general manager left the organization, and all of the departments have been struggling to meet their profit goals.

Last week you were hired as the new general manager. You understand that some big changes need to be made to turn around the company's profits. To do this, you will create a Motivational Game Plan that will help optimize the team's performance. The first step in this process is to identify how the company can invest in its team members. Coach Gibbs shared this week that the first step to investing in your team is creating the right environment.

Employee Observations

In your new role as general manager, you have talked to the Hometown Cars employees one-on-one to see how they feel about their current work environment. These observations will be provided in the document, Week 3 Assignment: Investing in Your Team.


1. Review the Week Three Coach's Huddle for a refresher on investing in your team.

2. Download the document, Week 3 Assignment: Investing in Your Team [DOCX], which you will use to complete this assignment.

3. In the document, read about these types of investment: growth mindset, job-sculpting, and work flexibility.

4. Assuming the role of General Manager of Hometown Cars, read the employee observations provided in the document. Choose a type of investment for each of the observations, and explain how it will improve the situation at Hometown Cars described in the observation. Explain whether the type of investment recommended leads to intrinsic motivation or extrinsic motivation. Be sure to include details from your approach to justify your response.

Submission Requirements

When you have completed a recommendation for each observation, submit the document containing your answers to the Week 3 Assignment.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Examine motivational approaches used to invest in a team at a given company.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 3 Assignment: Investing in Your Team
Types of Investment
Recall the types of investment you studied in the course. Use them in this assignment.
* Growth Mindset:  Growth mindset means you believe that you can improve (or “grow”) abilities such as intelligence, talent, and skills through hard work and self-discipline.
* Job-sculpting:  Job-sculpting means developing an employee’s role so that their work duties match what they are passionate about; what interests them.
* Work Flexibility:  Work flexibility means allowing employees to work when and where is best for them, if they get the job done.
Assuming the role of General Manager of Hometown Cars, you have talked to the Hometown Cars employees one-on-one to see how they feel about their current work environment. For each of the employee observations, write a response in which you choose a type of investment and explain how it will improve the situation described in the observation. Explain whether the type of investment recommended leads to intrinsic motivation or extrinsic motivation. Be sure to include details from your approach to justify your response.
This example is provided to get you started.
Your assistant manager, Jorge, shows potential for being a general manager. One day he mentions that he really enjoys the financial side of managing. 
General Manager Recommendation
Job sculpting was the motivational investment selected to use with Jorge. Because of his interest in the financial side of managing, developing his role so he can highlight his passion and interest in finance is a worthy investment. To do that, Jorge will be given the opportunity to take ownership of tracking invoices for the company. Being given the task of tracking invoices intrinsically motivates Jorge to dedicate himself to the continued success of the company. By diversifying his skill set and developing new skills, he will become a better candidate for a promotion. He will also be motivated to do well because he knows that by performing his best, he will have a better chance at a promotion and the job security that comes along with it. 
Write a response for each observation beginning under the label, General Manager Recommendation. Submit your completed responses in this document to the Week 3 assignment.
Observation 1
* Employees tell you there does not appear to be the option for personal career development at Hometown Cars. For instance, competition within the sales department prevents seasoned sales associates from mentoring new sales associates, and the company does not offer any formal training.
General Manager Recommendation
One of the main issues that employees have reported is the lack of opportunities for personal career development within Hometown Cars. I would recommend implementing a growth mindset investment strategy to address this problem. Besides this can be done by providing training and development opportunities for employees to learn new skills and take on new responsibilities within the company. An example would be creat...
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