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Demotivational Factors at Kaluyu Memorial Hospital and the Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

Essay Instructions:

(I will attach a word document with all the articles you have to read in preparation to start the essay.)


Imagine that you have been appointed the director of health at the Kaluyu Memorial Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya—a for-profit hospital. The facility is also a referral hospital and receives severe cases of accidents and chronic and communicable diseases, and it houses an HIV/AIDS ward. As you settle into your position, you realize that the employees always act scared as they approach their superiors. Some of the employees deliver files and leave your office in a hurry.

As you make your routine departmental visits, you observe tension among the nurses and doctors, and there is a sentiment that the nurses tend to do the majority of the work within patient care but the doctors get all the credit. You notice that the employees are always looking forward to the end of their shifts when they can go home. You notice that some of the doctors come back to work wearing the same unwashed clothes as the previous day. Too many employees are calling in sick, and many of them give weak reasons for their tardiness.

There is also a sense that doctors and nurses dominate other employees in similar positions. In meetings and conference calls, some employees are quiet and never participate. You notice that people with families tend to gather and talk quietly on breaks. The new mothers working for the hospital have to use bathrooms to pump breast milk for their infants, and the refrigerators do not work well. Looking at the financial statements of the hospital, you realize that the hospital's expenses are higher than the industry standard, and it incurs losses year after year.

Note: You may create or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.


Write a 4-page paper in which you:

-Assess the major demotivational factors at Kaluyu Memorial Hospital. Evaluate the level of impact that the identified factors could have on specific areas of service and business if the administration does not address the situation. Support your response with at least two examples of the potential negative impact of the identified demotivational factors on the hospital.

-Read the overviews of the three major motivational theories (Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Herzberg's two-factor theory, and McClelland's acquired needs theory). Choose the theory that you think best fits this scenario and defend that choice with two examples.

Outline a communication system that will have the greatest impact on improving employee motivation and specify the major reasons why your system will positively impact the employee behaviors.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Motivating Employees
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Motivating Employees
Organizations, including hospitals, businesses, and schools, offer a platform where people from varying religions, backgrounds, and communities link together to work toward certain objectives. Current companies work together with different forms of collaborators and workers. Moreover, in every organization, there are a set of rules and regulations facilitating effective performance and collaboration of the employees. Nevertheless, having employees with varying backgrounds and opinions requires institutions to understand how to represent every worker in the company. Failure to understand these strategies can lead to declined performance due to a lack of motivation, increased rates of errors, and high turnovers. In Kaluyu Memorial Hospital, some factors have been growing demotivation among employees that can be costly to the performance and image of the institution.
At the hospital, employees lack confidence in the institution's leadership. Usually, workers do not have to like their leaders to be happy, although they cannot tolerate incompetent leaders. The workers have gradually lost faith in hospital management, meaning their loyalty is deteriorating. The institutions' leaders have been showing no desire to inspire confidence or communicate an inspiring vision, and faith in their workers causes the workers to be motivated. For instance, hospital leaders might be threatening to fire workers. Thus, the employees become scared when approaching their superiors.
Moreover, conflict in the hospital is another integral demotivation factor influencing the hospital. Conflict in a workplace, including a hospital, is massively detrimental. In the hospital, there is massive tension between nurses and doctors. Also, the nurses are assigned most work with patient care, but the doctors get all the credits. Mainly, engaging in healthy debates is productive, although it is essential to watch out for workplace bullying and intimidation (MichaelPageUK, n.d). Some workers can feel concerned about coming forward concerning a burning issue related to a fellow member.
On the other hand, employees have been assigned plenty of work, causing massive tiresome. This issue is a common demotivation factor in the clinic as most employees look forward to finishing their shift so they can go home because they are scared. Assigning excessing tasks to an employee beyond their limit can adversely affect the institution. Tired workers report decreased performance because they are less efficient in completing their jobs (Stevelee, 2019). Besides, workers are likely to make more errors during operations because their focus and train of thought are messy.
Poor leadership in the hospital can lead to an increased level of a toxic culture, and unethical habits may become present. Furthermore, the institution is likely to suffer a decline in future communication. The employees will continue to be scared of their superiors, thus failing to communicate when burning issues arise. Moreover, the lack of confidence in the hospital leadership continues to escalate, causing conflicts and increased fatigue among the nurses and doctors. Conflict can be devastating to the hospital as the nurses are going to become increasingly frustrated and may tend to end membership. When the workers start leaving, an organization will have to hire new workers (Brookins, 2019). This issue can be detrimental because this process is complex, as potential employees might fear finding themselves in the situation in the future.
Besides, the hospital will waste much time solving the conflicts. As a result, the workers will refrain from engaging in their core objectives which they are tasked to accomplish (Brookins, 2019). As a result, the hospital will lose access to essential resources and money. Cases o...
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