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Gospel Value: Workers’ Rights’ - Poem By David Chalk

Essay Instructions:

Select a poem related to the topic
     }Rights and Responsibilities
     }Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
}After selecting a poem, read it and write a response
}In your response, be sure to connect your selected poem to the Junior Gospel Values by discussing some of the following ideas:
   }How does the poem reflect the idea that people have a right to life, food, shelter, healthcare, education, and/or employment?
   }What does the poem say about the connection between the Gospel Values and a person's self-respect?
   }Explain how the poem you have selected discusses the gap between the rich and the poor, as seen from the speaker of the work's perspective
}Your response can take any form you decide
   }You may choose to write a straightforward analysis of the poem (similar to the Regents exam where you stated a theme and then discussed the literary/poetic elements)
   }Or, you may choose to be more creative
}Include the poem at the start of your response so as to make the reader aware of what poem you will be discussing

Essay Sample Content Preview:
    Gospel Value Name Course Institution Date   Workers’ Rights’ - Poem by David Chalk In the not-so distant past
Workers had no rights
To achieve them they organised
To win them they had to fight

From Tolpuddle and Unions
And the right to strike
Working folk won their rights
Against greedy financial might

But what they won was a victory
In a battle not the war
As some seek to re-set the clock
To what there was before.

What they won was fairness
And dignity for all
But these rights were limited
And then restrained and worn

And slowly these rights were reduced
Gradually made weak and small
And now financial privilege claims
They should not exist at all.

They say removing rights is necessary
It’s what our country needs
They say it’s to restore the economy
That such rights are economic weeds

Thus does greedy financial might
Try to steal what has been won
With lies and excuses about our plight
And what must be done.

Those who believe in justice
Those who support what’s fair
Must fight these lies with honesty
And forever remain aware.   In the poem Workers’ Rights’ David Chalk highlights the need to protect the workers’ rights, including allowing unions to fight for their rights. He is alarmed by the attempted rollback of workers’ rights by businesses that wield more power than the workers. “Working folk won their right...
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